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Everything posted by lea75

  1. The sun has got his hat on...hip hip hip horray! The sun has got his hat on and he's coming out to play I love seeing the sunshine in the morning, doesnt matter that it is freezing outside, it looks bright and has made getting up slightly easier this morning lol What is everyone up to today? I'm just about to tackle the ironing...which is a job that I hate, but it needs doing and no one else is going to do it for me lol Looking forward to seeing the new items that PS will release next week...anyone want to have a guess what the next theme will be? Hope you are all well...hugs xxxxx
  2. lea75

    Corniest jokes

    What is the corniest joke you have ever heard? Lets see who can come up with the worst joke around :lol; I'll start with a few Why did the belt get sent to prison? Because it held up a pair of trousers Where do fish keep their money? In river banks What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire? Frostbite.
  3. Anyone else getting fed up of party invitations? Does anyone still click to attend their friends parties? I have to admit I always click ignore now when Rosie gets party invitations...they seem to be continous...everytime I go into another room there is another party invite Am I just being bah humbug or does anyone else feel like this?
  4. thank you for the super safe trade. All 4 x 999's received and hat sent...adding rep for you now x
  5. lea75

    I missed it!

    I think I must of blinked and totally missed summer It has been really dark and wet again today, and I was trying to remember what the sunshine felt like, but I cant! We dont really seem to of had a summer here in the UK...just lots of yukky weather. Surely if we were meant to have this much rain we would of been born with webbed feet??
  6. oh me oh my.. This has got way too high Back down to zero you go And please keep it to 15 or below
  7. lea75

    Update on my life

    so sorry to hear this hun xx I will of course say a prayer for your sister and also for you, to ask for strength for you to carry on being the fantastic supportive person you are Please dont forget to take care of yourself as well hun xxx
  8. thanks chick and Rosie says a huge thanks for the gift xx Rep added xx
  9. I only have the one left, and so I'm really sorry -serenity-, but Kivie asked first hun...if I do get another though I will let you know x Kivie I will send the fish hat over to you
  10. the way I see it, its always the evening somewhere in the world sorry hun I'm only teasing, really glad you enjoyed it, you needed something to put a bit of joy in your life xx
  11. Drinking in the morning? Oh me, Oh my!
  12. brilliant comp hun! WIll have to get my thinking cap on for this one lol
  13. fantastic entry hun...love having the 3 different outcomes Have left a comment on there for you as well Come on guys, lets give mamashishi our support and post on her thread (link in first post), would be amazing for a PSFC member to win an official comp! Good luck!
  14. Thread is back to normal now The thread had split itself because it got so big, but is sorted now...thanks Chay xx
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