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Everything posted by lea75

  1. He is gorgeous hun! I'd better not let my girls see him..they keep nagging me for a kitten lol xx
  2. its the smile..totally identical! think I prefer my 'sexy' pic of Rob P lol
  3. hmmmm. I'm gonna have ot go and watch twilight again now, just to get that image of him out of my head lol
  4. very true words hun, thanks for sharing xxx
  5. Someone's barking at your door. I have to say that today has been a really awful day, and Luka, you have just managed to put a huge smile on my face. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Huge hugs to you
  6. moving to looking for .... good luck with your trade
  7. I think I'm going to have to trade to get the dalmation plushie...I have the full doll collection (inc cc items) and really dont want to miss one item from it now
  8. Morning!! My girls are out with their Dad today so I'm going to have a relaxing soak in the bath then going out for lunch with my friend. Really looking forward to having some grown up time Then back home to do some more work on the new PSFC graphics
  9. Happy Birthday Kivie! Hope you have a fantastic day xxx
  10. lea75

    Bon Voyage Kasi!

    she is going to text me when she can to let me know where she is, do I'll keep you all updated
  11. lea75

    Bon Voyage Kasi!

    Well Kasi has set sail on her luxury cruise! I'm not jealous...MUCH!!! lol I have to admit the ship looks amazing, and they will be visiting some amazing places...but still not sure if I would like to do a cruise. I guess its one of those things that you have to try to find out lol Anyone been on a cruise?
  12. we dont tend to have baby showers in the UK Would love to hear what you get up to at one though
  13. lea75

    Happy Birthday Agne!

    hugs back at you Birthday girl!! xx
  14. Hope you have a fantastic day hun...huge hugs xxx
  15. Welcome back Kivie!! Its really good to have you back hun.
  16. strange! Have you tried clearing your cache then going to the adobe web site and trying to do an update on your flash player? Not sure if it will work but its worth a try lol x
  17. is this the pink one? you know how easily I get confused lol xx
  18. lol...well I'm grateful anyway..I'm still trying to finish my shell collection
  19. lea75


    WOW! Hope you have an amazing time at the concert..I havent been to a concert for years Tried to get my son to see Guns 'n' roses with me next month but he doesnt want to as its not eh original band (just Axel with a new band ) I have Phoebes nursery teacher coming out this afternoon to do a home visit before she starts school...basically just so Phoebe can meet her teacher before she starts school I am so looking forward to tomorrow....poor Phoebe doesnt know what to do with herself without her sister to play with...she has got used to Jadine being around lol....only 2 more weeks before Phoebe starts nursery school Mum is already on her way to Southampton...but I'll pass on your message when she phones later
  20. lea75

    Changes to PSFC

    ok so far we have: change of colours (banner is under construction as we speak ) Blue being changed for autumn colours Smilies art gallery Anything else you can think of to help keep the forum busy?
  21. hiya and welcome to PSFC Hope you enjoy yourself around here..if you need anything just shout, and we'll do all we can to help
  22. Hiya and welcome to PSFC Hope you enjoy yourself around here..if you need any help with anything, then please let us know
  23. Hiya and welcome to PSFC. Look forward to seeing you around the group, and getting to know you If you want more neighbours, feel free to send me a f/r (please put PSFC and your username in the message)...Rosie would love to visti you
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