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Everything posted by lea75

  1. Hiya and welcome to PSFC Look forward to chatting to you around the group, if you need anything, please just let me know
  2. Hiya and welcome to the group..if you need anything just let me know and I'll do all I can to help you Hope you enjoy yourself here, and look forward to chatting to you around the boards
  3. just clicked on both yours...hope you get to dig real soon xx
  4. I cannot believe how easy it was to get all the dig items from the new moon destination. I have all of them, including the rare, with using less than 50 shovels! I used over 500 shovels last week trying to get the weekly item (statue) and never did get it (huge thanks to my angel for gifting it to me Anyone else found these items easier to find this week?
  5. Why of course! I've got the christmas carol one on dvd My kids really dont get it when I start doing my Miss Piggy impression though..kids of these days...no tasta
  6. Happy Birthday Andrew, hope you have an amazing day and get spoilt rotten xxx
  7. lea75

    New DVD's

    I've ordered myself 2 new DVD's today, and now not sure if I should watch them as they are supposed to be weepies, and you can guarantee I will end up in tears lol I've got 'My sisters keeper' and ' The time travellers wife' Any watched them? Are they any good?
  8. I love the muppets!! Especially Miss Piggy, she is totally amazing
  9. lea75

    Changes to PSFC

    yes please hun...either pm me the smilies or pm me the link ot the web site Thanks
  10. lea75

    Changes to PSFC

    great ideas so far...loving the autumn theme Problem I have with new smilies is that majority of smilies are on a white background, and as we use coloured backgrounds on here, it would mean all smilies have a white box around them (not a good look) I will try to look for some more smilies with transparent backgrounds though
  11. Apart from the dalmation plushie I am not at all impressed with next weeks items. I think they are ugly, and I cant see me buying any of them I just hope the dalmation isnt as hard to find as the figurine from last week
  12. lea75

    Changes to PSFC

    I think if members have photos that are private then the best thing to do is just not post them in an open forum...sorry hun, I'm not saying no because I dont agree with you, but because there physically is no way for me to do it. Forumotion do not have the ability to do that xx
  13. lea75

    Changes to PSFC

    Laz I could make the group so members only can see it, but not so you need a minimum amount of posts to view pictures, there is no way of doing that, and yes the thread from introduce yourself would be moved into it To be honest I dont feel that a group for PS treasure hunters would work. I've noticed that FAD and BAC are mainly only used for comps, and not what they were started for. Which is talking about fashion or box addiction. If members want to talk about anything to do with the trasure hunting then it would fit into PS chat
  14. lea75

    Changes to PSFC

    Graphics are one of the major things I'm changing. I already have the new font in mind, and I've discussed the new skin with the mods can defffinately have new ranks for members, but you dont see them that much as majority of members are now safe traders lol
  15. lea75

    Changes to PSFC

    I was thinking of splitting the art gallery into 4 sub-sections. siggy/avitar shop PS/games photos Past room of the weeks Real life photos (will be nice to share photos in here and not just facebook) I cant really split it into individual rooms or there will be too many and members wont be able just ot post their houses, plus some individual rooms wont necessarily fit into one catagory Tromo...what do you mean by treasure hunt hunt? You mean in real life?
  16. lea75

    Changes to PSFC

    Well its that time of year again! The kids are going back to school and so I will be having more free time to spend around PSFC I'm going to be making some changes around the group, but was wondering if there were any changes you would like to see happen? Any new ideas or changes you can think of that would improve PSFC? Please let me know, you can either post them in here or pm me directly...which ever you prefer. All thoughts/suggestions/ideas will be listened to, so please get involved...PSFC is your group, so lets all work to keep it the number 1 PS group around!!
  17. maybe they had teh wigs out on display? Seems strage though just to have the arrows on display like that lol x
  18. deffinately well over due! I adored the kitty when it first came out, but now I'm just totally bored of it
  19. I do love a little sci-fi while I'm ironing, but prefer Dr Who and torchwood lol If they ever do invent that machine, then I'll be first in line to buy one Off to cut the grass and tidy the garden now Just as the kids get ready to go back to school then sun come out! Typical!!!
  20. lea75

    Just too much!

    I'm sorry for only just replying to this thread My thoughts and prayers are with you hun. You must feel like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders I wish there were some words of wisdom I could offer, but I'm more than a little brain dead at the moment lol...so just sending you hugs and positive thought xxxxxxxxxx
  21. This has just happened to me as well Oh well, no facebook for me lol x
  22. Rosie always seems to have flies, and I have to admit I never feed her either.. Poor Rosie, someone needs to phone animal welfare
  23. lea75

    Thank You Thread!!

    you're really welcome hun. I know how much u wanted one xx
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