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Everything posted by lea75

  1. I did one the other day, which was run by Flora butter, and it just works out your heart age, then I got 5 playfish cash Best bit though was finding out my heart age is actually lower than my actual age, so I have a healthy heart lol
  2. I have a few extra recent GMB items for sale If I have anything you are interested in, please leave your offer and I'll reply as soon as possible
  3. hun you are now a Mum, worrying is one of the main jobs lol Even though Phoebe was my third pregnancy I still worried all the way through, and couldnt wait for the first movenents. And trust me when they are born you start worrying even more lol
  4. I think 15 weeks is a little early hun...especially for a first baby Trust me it wont be long until you think that baby boo has a football in there with them, and you are getting booted all day and night lol xx
  5. OMG...Sarah have you seen this?? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-black-country-11403184
  6. it was nasty...the thunder was so loud you could feel the floor shake. It kept setting off car and house alarms
  7. that warning was supposed to of come from the BBC news, but it is a fake http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/11403897 This was the official report and it also states the reason for the crash Saying that, it is always a good idea to change passwords frequently
  8. first baby you dont normally feel moving until 18 - 20 weeks, but it can sometimes be even later than this hun...you have a while to wait yet...sorry xxx With your second baby you can sometimes feel the first movement early as you know what they are, I think I was over 20 weeks when I felt Ieuan move then slightly earlier with the girls When you first feel it then it wont feel like a kick, as the baby still has so much room to move, it is more like a little roll in your tummy...not a nice way to associate it sorry, but its like having gas lol. Imagine holding a butterfly in your closed hand...well that is what it will feel like in your tummy Ok I'm going to stop waffling now lol xxx
  9. lea75

    Autumn pets needed

    I'm sorry I couldnt use everyones pets...there jsut wasnt room I will try and find a way of adding more around the forum More changes coming tomorrow
  10. imagine if facebook totally crashed and they lost everything!! I would seriously be annoyed having to start all over again lol I know thats not going to happen as they will have back up servers, but hey...could you imagine how much uproar there would be??
  11. OMG it was awful wasnt it Sarah!! Phoebe was in the bath when it started and the poor little thing absoloutely screamed I'm normally petrified but seeing Phoebe like that made me act like a grown up lol, and tried to make light of it. Jadine came up with the brilliant idea of telling Phoebe that it was Grandad John (who died 2 weeks ago) in heaven playing his drums and flashing his light lol...she was fine after that and we ended up watching it out the window and singing songs to Grandad John lol I was shaking inside, but was really brave and stuck it out with her...so glad its over now though so I can put the kids to bed
  12. it seems to be totally down Hope its sorted by the morning
  13. http://www.petsociety.forumotion.com/news-announcements-f7/new-items-revealed-23rd-sept-t13575.htm#375840 the update has been added to PSFC news....I'm locking this thread now so all chat can be kept together in the news thread
  14. your cake looks amazing hun We dont celebrate moon festival in the UK, so it is great to see how you celebrate
  15. thank you for the great comp as well as the prize hun xx
  16. WOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! Know how much this means to you hun, being in a house will make everything perfect when the baby comes, plus you now have your nursery to decorate lol Hope all goes well, I moved 120 miles when I was pregnant with Jadine, and I know how stressful it can be, but you have to listen to your body and not push yourself. Huge hugs to you xxxxxxxxx
  17. I wasnt going to get it, but after trying it on Rosie I thought she looked cute, so treated her lol
  18. Happy Birthday Mum, have a brilliant day...love you xxxx
  19. That sounds brilliant Yvette...they dont really do anything here I've given her a card before she went to school and I have a small present waiting for her when she comes home....I want to go and pick her up now lol...oh well not long Photos as promised:
  20. Today is Phoebes first day at school She only goes mornings this year, and for today and tomorrow is actually only going for an hour so she can get used to it....but I am dreading it!! She is my little baby, and looks way too small to go to school! I am dreading putting her school uniform on (I'll post a photo of her later if you like) she will look too grown up Oh well I'm sure you all think I'm mad..but all with kids will know what I'm going through lol xxx
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