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Everything posted by lea75

  1. today has been another un-eventful day Girls have been out with their Dad, so I've done some housework then sat this afternoon and watched Harry Potter and the order of the Phoenix. I must admit the HP films are getting better as they go along. I just have Half blood prince left to watch (which I think I will watch tonight) then I'm up to date and can see the new one as soon as its released Weather has been awful today, we have had so much rain it is not even funny anymore! Oh well, at least the ducks will be happy lol Hope everyone has had a good day
  2. I'm so fussy about expiry dates, I drive my Mum mad lol I will not eat anything that is so much as a day over the expiry date. I had a really bad case of food poisoning years ago, and now I am so wary of what I eat...even my kids know to check the date on everything before they eat it lol
  3. oh wow! he is gorgeous! Captain Jack eat your heartout! lol
  4. my youngest has a steiff teddy, it is a christmas one than she was given by my Nan I have put it away for now though and she can have it when she is older
  5. I'm reading Karen Rose - silent scream, but have to admit its taking a while to get into it
  6. Morning all I'm getting ready to go into town with my kids (not fun lol) My son wants a bass guitar for Christmas so I'm taking him to the music shop today to look at some. Then home to do leaf painting this afternoon with the girls. I have more work to do to the group later (few odds and ends I'm missed ) as well as starting a new feature which will run all of October more details to follow Hope you all have a fabulous day xx
  7. lea75

    I totally love it

    thank you everyone, your support means a lot to me
  8. lea75

    I totally love it

    ok guys the issue with the font size shoud be sorted now, let me know if you are still have issues please
  9. lea75

    I totally love it

    figured out what is causing the issue with the font, now trying to figure out how to fix it lol hopefully wont be much longer lol
  10. lea75

    I totally love it

    thanks hun, I'll add that one to my list, there are still a few things I need to change
  11. lea75

    I totally love it

    just to let you all know that I'm aware there is an issue with the size of the font while using firefox...its tiny! Yet everything looks great in IE I am working on it and hope to have it sorted very soon..
  12. lea75

    I totally love it

    thanks guys I'm still playing around with the background colours, and there are a few buttons that still need doing, but at least you can get a feel for it now lol Well you did all say you wanted it to be autumn
  13. lol dont worry, if you do try and enter during the maintnance you will see a message reminding you when you cna log back in
  14. PSPF will be close for anout 1 hour between 1pm -2pm (GMT TIME) this afternoon. This is to make some changes to the group. During this time you will not be able to log in, but please bare with us and try again after 2PM (GMT), and hopefully you will think the changes were worth the small inconvenience
  15. I've only bought one of the extra cash rooms so far, but the other 2 are calling my name lol I am so tempted to do a full over haul of my house, re do all the rooms...will have a serious think about it
  16. was thinking of you when I saw all the new halloween items lol Hope you are well hun xxx
  17. I must be getting old lol, I actually found the dress quite offensive, especially the real one that lady gaga wore
  18. sorry, I found it now I'd forgotten about my vamire room in one of the secret rooms feel silly now
  19. There was only one of the digging items I didnt already have, and I could not believe it when I actually found that one with my free shovels! Not that I actually wanted a builers helomet, but hey, it was free lol I love the way it shows you which items are avaliable daily as well, that way you know if its worth spending cc's to get the shovels or not I'm a little dissapointed with the items though...its too early for halloween
  20. locking this thread...all new items can now be found in PSFC news http://www.petsociety.forumotion.com/news-announcements-f7/things-that-go-bump-in-the-night-t13638.htm#377374
  21. My daughter is going to be starting her toy making badge at brownies soon...so she will soon be joining you in the bear making
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