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Everything posted by lea75

  1. I forgot to get the plushie..I am gutted Yvettte thanks for sending one to Kasi...I've been trying not to open the parcels at her house, but Kasi opened it while I was trying to feed Jab I've left her a note though to let her know it was from you xxx
  2. I have deleted a few of your posts from this thread. Do not spam or you willl get an official warning and even face a ban You also cannot trade in this section. All trades must take part in the PS trading section Please also do not post any personal details, including your email address. Please read all the PSFC rules and trading rules If you have any questions then please let myself or any of the mods know and we will do our best to help you
  3. Nope cant think of anything 'good' about today lol Kids are at school and I should be doing housework, but my neck is agony and I;m struggling to move really should try and get something done though....maybe in a minute lol At least the sun is shining...it always makes me feel better to see a bit of sunshine through the window
  4. chiaretta...have you got your facebook account set so your friends can post to your wall? If not then you wont get any PS links coming up x
  5. fanfat are stories written by fans about the characters in the books. They are simply stories that other fans have written, stories of what they would like to see happen to their favourite characters, normally before Twilight or what they think should happen after breaking dawn I've read some Twilight fanfit and some of it is very, very good. If you have never read any before I would strongly recommend you read Waning moon which is written by Ybor Jen http://www.twilighted.net/viewstory.php?sid=7289 Have a read and let us know what you think
  6. Kivie I would strongly recommend either Nuper sends first or you use a safe trade referee Nuper this is because you are new, this is a cash coin trade, and also that you want them sent to an account different to yours
  7. have you made sure you have most recent clicked at the top of your facebook page, not top news?...that way you should get the posts as soon as they are posted I dont think there is a way to see just PS, but if you are most recent then you should see them all straight away anyway x
  8. I actually bought a few presents the other day...the earlier I start the easier it is for me...well thats my excuse and I'm sticking to it
  9. I've beeen nagged by my son for ages to read the Harry Potter books so finally gave in. I started reading the first one years ago, but didnt enjoy it so stopped. So far now I've read the first 3 and I'm just starting on the goblet of fire. They are good, getting better, still wasnt impressed with the first book But to me they are still kids books, and it feels like I'm reading kids books They are very well written though, J.K. Rowling is a very clever author and very talented
  10. I had it the first day (was even lucky enough to land on it) but I haven't had it on my wheel since It is still appearing on Kasis though
  11. Thanks Steph...that is one plushie I wouldnt of wanted to miss I've signed into Kasi's account as well to get hers...she would sulk otherwie lol
  12. shishou_fuuin please add a valid facebook link to your profile. This is part of PSFC rules, which you agreed to when you registered with the group If you need any help please contact either myself or any other mod/admin. Failure to add a vaild link could result in a warning or even a ban
  13. As long as they are in the WWF or revival boxes then yes they can be traded
  14. I'm sorry guys but as a parent I can see your Dads point of view here. Your studies the most important thing. Games should only be played in your free time, after you have finished your studies. It's all a case of getting your priorities right hun (hardest thing in the world lol) Sorrry if I sound as bad as your Dad, but I'm a Mum to a 15 yr old boy who spends way too much time on his x box/pc. And I know the steps I've had to take to get him to study I know it doesnt seem like it now, but your Dad is only doing what he thinks is best for you, You will appreciate it when you are older hun xxx
  15. There are programmes that do that but they are very, very expensive would be great if our pc;s came with this programme... they already have a programme that can read whats on the screen for you, so guess its the next step
  16. sorry dear but we can know prices not only throught hacking there are many groups in facebook ans some pages in internet that shows prices and i love this week's theme!!!!! I know there are ways for people to find out the prices from other groups. But the groups must of hacked into PS database to find out the prices, which is why we dont publish them here I'm not accusing Chiaretta of hacking at all...I know she would never do that, just explaining that the people she got the prices from (or they people they got their prices from) are hackers
  17. no. Prices can only be obtained by hacking, and we do not condone hacking in any way
  18. I'm going to be doing the same I think. Getting rid of things I dont want/like. I will keep some of it for PSFC prizes, but if its just junk then its going
  19. This is how its difference from other game and make player find the game value right? If all the game is the same as what playfish has stated, I don't think you will see us in the forum? I agree with you...however not every ps player is a major trader. I rarely trade, I much prefer to just gift the items to friends A lot of people still play PS how it was designed, and use the forums for general PS gossip and chat but hardly go into the trading section
  20. I got it this morning Took me ages to get the kitty when it first came out lol
  21. yep havent heard of this one before though so thought I'd better warn you all
  22. I think that once someone clicks on the link, not only does it put nasty things on your pc, but it also gets into your address book and sends the link to your friends I have known the person who sent me the message for nearly 30 years, and there is no way she would send it out on purpous..in fact she will be devestated when she realises her mistake has affected her friends
  23. If someone on your friends list sends you a facebook inbox message with a link in it, please be careful There is a new virus doing the facebook rounds. If you see the word retrobutiken in the link then DONT CLICK ON IT! Another giveaway is that the message is not sent to only you but a lot of people...including the person sending it Please, be careful, and if in doubt run a malaware programme to ensure your pc is clean If anyone is worried about this...or anything else on their pc...just pm me and I'll see if I can help
  24. Do you mean 12th Sept hun? Otherwise we're all going to have a very long wait lol
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