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Everything posted by lea75

  1. That is a shame as the dolphin is my favourite cc dig item
  2. WOW!!!! Never thought Jasper could look like this!
  3. lea75

    saying hello

    safe journey hun xx
  4. Do you think it is fair if you spend cc's to get the new bunny machine in your house...then all your friends can just come in and use it for 250 coins? I know it will be great for those who dont have cc's as they can use their friends, but do you think it is fair on those who have bought it?? What do you think?
  5. I was really lucky this week and found the weekly item by only using my free shovels...and yet the past 2 weeks I've spent loads and not found them
  6. lea75

    saying hello

    Hiya!! great to see you hun...hope everything is well with you Hugs xxxx
  7. I doubt you will be able to buy them from your friends if the machine is cc's...otherwise no one would buy it and jsut use their friends If you see any of your friends with the fish adn bunnies then they are hackers. These items are not yet released and the only way to get them early is by hacking
  8. have a look at the mystery boxes that you can buy in your hosue hun...they are in there..with the GMB's xx
  9. thank you hun....to me PSFC is what it is because of all the fab members You guys are ace xxxx
  10. the raven thing you are after is actually called crow decor....took me ages to find it lol, could picture it but not remember what it is called
  11. I only had one thing on your list...but have sent it to you as a gift enjoy xxx
  12. I think the clothes from the comps are the best ever released...I love them!
  13. I'm confused If you look closesly at the bunny machine it has 250 coins on it....yet underneath they have put its in the boutique....so it is 250 coins or is it cash coins??
  14. the winners outfits are not cc's though hun,,,they are in the clothes shop for normal coins
  15. sent it hun xx It was actually a fox shrine not a dog statue
  16. can I swap one of your turtle benches for a dog statue please hun x
  17. totally agree..they shouldn't profit from the fans designs...doesnt mean that they wouldn't though lol
  18. and the clothes are not cash coins!!!
  19. locking this thread now...the pictures are up in PSFC news! http://www.petsociety.forumotion.com/news-announcements-f7/new-items-revealed-t13498.htm#373941
  20. I think that is the biggest update I have ever done! So many new items...we are going to have some very skint pets lol
  21. new weekly dig item...wonder what else there will be??
  22. Wonder what the new mystery box items will be? cant wait to see the spoilers for next week
  23. when you send a pm it goes into your outbox...when the person you sent it to has read it then it goes into you sent box. This way you can tell if someone has read the pm
  24. morning all Yvette I'm so glad you mentioned its the day for the new items spoilers lol...I had totally forgotten I've just been shopping, now having 5 minutes before I start entertaining Phoebe (she wants to play jig-saws)....I'm trying to spend as much time as possible with her before she starts school on Monday Looking at the bright side though at least after Monday I'll have more time to be in here lol....will get the new PSFC finished then and start adding it Yvette I know what you mean about hairdressers...I used to go to one and no matter what I say I wanted doing they always seemed to do it how they wanted it My ex's daughter is now a qualified hairdresser so she comes to my house to do mine and the kids hair. She is a fab hairdresser, I get it just how I want it and I dont have to put up with having to listed the teh mundane gossip at the hairdressers Hope you are all having a good day xxxx
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