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Everything posted by lea75

  1. sounds good...you cant beat having a lazy day every now and again lol What book are you reading?
  2. I had a suprise visit from my Brother this morning which was brilliant! Dont get to see him too often and my girls loved having him here. Then me and my girls went to Library, and did some shopping...not to exciting lol Anyone done anything interesting today?
  3. Yeah I'd noticed you keep beating me
  4. sorry but it was done by an external source so we have no imput into it I will have a search around but I cant guarantee being able to find a more up to date one
  5. lea75

    Dream Diary

    well I didnt manage to get enough sleep last night to be able to have a dream...hopefully my youngest will let me sleep tonight as I am totally shattered
  6. Happy Birthday hun, hope you have an amazing day xx
  7. http://www.petsociety.forumotion.com/frightfest-f74/wish-upon-a-pumpkin-t13764.htm#380495 Come along and post your wish list (max 10 items plus one cash coin item at a time please!) and you'll see just what makes PSFC so great, thats its generous members!! Dont forget though that just because you have posted your wish list, does not mean that you are guaranteed to get your items, nor does it mean someone has to gift you something back just because you granted one of their wishes, this is all about the giving and the sharing you must have a minimum of 20 posts and be a PSFC member for at least 7 days before you can join in Have fun, join in, and get wishing!!
  8. lea75

    Halloween music

    What is your favourite spooky music videos? I'm after some music to add to the group over the halloween fortnight, and need your suggestions All I have so far is: Thriller - Michael Jackson Everybody - Back street boys HELP!!!!!
  9. that is only part one hun Everyweek playfish are releasing a spooky item and you have to get all 4 before the room gets unlocked But I have to agree the fireplace it lovely
  10. just seen it now...there is a red cross, but as Lucky says you can only just see it at the top of the screen x
  11. Hiya and welcome to the group I love your pets name, I think its great when your pets name means something, not just a plain old name. It shows some imagination (unlike me who called her pet Rosie lol) If you need any help with anything or you have any questions then please just let either myself or any of the mods/admins and we will do all we can to help Look forward to chatting to you xxx
  12. I'm not....I love the wigs but then I would no matter what they were called, and the poster is cute, but not WOW, but then I'm really fussy lmao
  13. just read on TOF that this was not intentional, and that they hope to have it fixed by next week
  14. guys the shop is closed for now...Kasi has made this clear I'm going to delete your posts and lock this thread until Kasi has everything straight and is ready to re-open. You cannot ask to reserve items...this is not fair on everyone else who is waiting for the shop to re-open
  15. I love this one of him. I am a total sucker for eyes, and his eyes in this are just WOW! Sorry Smorkle, I know you only said one, but Iwas just showing Chiarette *goes and sits in the corner quickly*
  17. imagine waking next to that in the mornings! You would certainly start your day with a smile
  18. How about if we week wish upon a pumpkin open until midnigh (GMT) Monday night? Will you both be able to take part then? I really dont want you to have to miss out xx
  19. They have now made it so you dont get a choice about going to parties, you have to go whether you want to or not I dont want to go to all these parties every time i log into PS!!!! I really hope they change it and quicky! Ok rant over
  20. they have made a mistake with the boxes...well spotted hun, so I've altered the picture so you know what you should get lol xx
  21. anyone eale think that the portrait looks like Carlisle Cullen?
  22. locking this thread now...all the new items can be seen in PSFC news http://www.petsociety.forumotion.com/news-announcements-f7/trick-or-treat-t13753.htm#380083
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