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Everything posted by lea75

  1. I dont get excited about Christmas until I have all my pressies bought, then I can get excited lol I try to finish my shopping by the end of November, that way I can just enjoy December, and all the decorations I was looking at ipods today, I really want a mp3 player but one that has a radio as well, it seems the ipod touch has a radio so will have to look more into it
  2. My brain is like that all the time lol...if I dont leave myself notes for everything then I forget My kids are used to me now though, if they need anything or there is something I am supposed to do then they just write it on the white board in the kitchen
  3. I started watching at the end of the first series ( I have the first series on DVD now so caught up with them all lol), caught is by accident and totally loved it! I love the fact that its aimed at a slightly older audience, ane OMG talk about on the edge of your seat lol....I literally count down the days till the next episode I have the vampire diaries books, but not sure if I want to read them. They have only taken the very basics and built the show from them...its supposed to be very very different I think I officially prefer this to Twilight, simply because it is more grown up
  4. I still need 2 more..but I'm not getting too excited..I hardly ever get to finish the collections
  5. lea75

    What date...

    I would love to hear more about the traditions around the world...maybe we can make a feature of it in the group this year?
  6. lea75

    Days till christmas

    shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh dont tell anyone about the snowflakes, I was just practacing lol
  7. lea75

    What date...

    I was worried about putting it up too early in case you all got bored of it lol, but seems you are all as bad as me for putting the decs up as early as possible (well apart from Kasi lol) I think the 1st seems to be ok with everyone so far..oh and it looks like there will be snow this year
  8. lea75

    What date...

    my tree goes up on the first of December...much to Mums disgust lol I love Christmas decorations Must admit I am not in a Christmas mood at the moment though. My son is singing Christmas songs, very loudly (and very out of tune )...and its only November!!!
  9. lea75

    What date...

    I'm not sure what there will be yet hun. HTML is not my strong point...but I will do my very best x
  10. lea75

    What date...

    What date do you want PSFC to add the Christmas theme? (banner, buttons and such) I was thinking 1st December (ish lol) but was wondering if you thought this was too early? What are your opinions??
  11. And there are more 'older' men for us to drool over lol
  12. @lucky The vamps are more like the vamps in buffy/angel than in Twilight...in fact they even make a comment in there about no sparkling in the sun lol
  13. lea75

    Days till christmas

    thanks...really glad you like it xx
  14. Time for a picnic in the meadow with the animals around
  15. Hail Storm, Phoenix, AZ - October 5th, 2010
  16. OMG hun that is so scary...praying that you stay safe, and that the hurrican causes little damage and no injuries xxx
  17. the only ones I can see in PS are the vampire balcony and the lakeside balcony (which was cash shop and cannot be gifted) , I'm sure that there were more than this though
  18. That is what Alice says to Rosaline in New Moon who said and which book: Edward's only human, Bella. He's going to react like any other boy
  19. Oh my! I remember my son watching courage lol Hong kong Phooey (yep know I spelt it wrong earlier lol) Batfink (probably from before most peoples time lol)
  20. I think becuase I have kids that watch catoons the novelty is not there for me lol The only ones I do still love when it comes on is Hong Kong Feuy and Batfink...they were awesome cartoons lol
  21. Oh my! There are fabulous! Certainly makes you wonder why we do these things lol x
  22. It probably to change the diggin item, add new mystery box items and such... I am going out now (doctors then hospital ) but will do the spoilers as soon as I get back xx
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