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Everything posted by lea75

  1. lea75


    I think stubborness must be one of the symptoms of arthritis lol I am always being accused of being stubborn lol Try not to over do things Sophie and rest!
  2. A full list of safe traders can be found HERE But as stated above. its probably easier to see whether they are a safetrader by the badge. If you are in any doubt hun, or would just like a little extra reassurance, then you can always ask for help from a trade referee. Trade referees names are in green or you can ask any mod/admin to help you xx
  3. Ayathon I am really sorry hun, but you have to be a member for a minimum of 7 days before you can take part in any comps or giveaways...just a few more days then you can take part x
  4. lea75


    I think it gets to a stage hun where we have to limit what games we play. I now only play Pet Society Frontierville Bejewelled blitz (but even this I dont play as much as I used to )
  5. OMG hun, glad you are ok xx I've only ever felt one minor tremor. It was in 2002 just after my daughter was born, and first of all I thought a tuck had hit the house of something...we just dont think earthquake in this country. It measured 4.8 on the richter scale, so not big on a world scale but big for the UK @sinemonine, haiti is attached to Dominican republic hun xx
  6. you have a few more days before you can take part in any of the comps hun...you need to be an active member for a minimum of 7days before you can take part...nearly there though lol
  7. Full list of items now in the first post
  8. lea75

    Free Pink poo!

  9. If more than one person is using the same computer to access PSFC then its always a good idea to let us know If we get multiple accounts using the same ip address then it would be flagged as suspicious. We would have to investigate it to ensure that a member is not using multiple accounts. We know sometimes there are genuine reasons (as in your case with your sister joinig) and we will always investigate before deciding if any action is needed. If your sister does join, if one of you just lets me know her username then I can make sure its sorted As for the locked icon...as stated earlier, only a mod can lock a thread. You can request a thread be locked at any time, however if a thread is locked then you wouldnt be able to post in it until a mod had unlocked it again
  10. lea75


    I'm off to bed...talk to you all tomorrow xxx
  11. lea75


    OMG NO!! The girls already have way to many plushies...I have to keep removing some when they are not looking lol They share a bedroom, and already have plushies all over their beds, on top of the wardrobe, and on a shelf that runs the full width of the room...plus Phoebe has 2 boxes full of them under her bed.....no more! :loo:
  12. lea75


    she would love that, but it would soon end up me cleaning it out, feeding it and giving it attention...I already look after the girls hamster lol x
  13. lea75


    Good mood didnt last long tonight...stupid Argos have annoyed me! I returned Jadines Christmas present the other day as it kept switching itself off then on again (its a karaoke machine) and they changed it no problem...now this one is so distorted you cant hear what you are singing I am not a happy bunny right now
  14. oh yeah get that one from Jadine all the time lol Embarressing your kids is one of the great perks of being a parent lmao xx
  15. lmao he gave me that 'oh for godness sake Mother...behave' look
  16. I am in such a silly mood!! Dont know why, just in a silly mood! I've been dancing in the kitchen with the girls (much to my sons disgust lol) and now I feel like causing mischief...now where is smorkle when you need her
  17. I think they have forgotten about them They have never changed them
  18. colours opposite each other on the colour wheel are actually classed as complementy, however they can cause vibrating boundries if not done properly All those years of Floristy pays off sometimes lol
  19. lea75


    They are falling poppies to help remember the men and women who have died for their country durning conflicts new and old...it will only be on for today
  20. anyone know what the item on the 245 coin is?
  21. -Oh no! we are losing height -Even worse, we're losing heat! -Pull that lever down! I'm going to untie the rope! -Are you crazy?! That's gonna shut down the whole system! -A bit, but we must stay flying, it's the only way... At least the only one I can see Those brave pets only could glide at this point, and soon as the cold air of night reach the main wing, their travel would end in the worst way. After two hours, talking, joking and laughing, now this ambitious project, was reaching its conclusion, and about that dreamed earth to land, the evening arrived and they knew their time was reaching its limit. -I'm sorry my friend, I never should persuade you to come along -Don't worry, I wouldn't leave you alone, on this adventure -Let's turn off the bird, and the fish, so they won't see the end... -Oh, wait! there it is! Less than one hour left, when they saw land, the distance was long and the time not enough, they needed to do something fast, so the captain took his tool box and ran to the main pipe at the back of the plane, grabbed his handsaw and cut it, so the remaining steam boosted the ship to the safe port, was not an easy landing, but you wouldn't be reading the news of these adventurers if they hadn't arrived They brought several never-before-seen stuff, I hope you enjoy them
  22. cash coin item every day after you have been logged in for the full 5 days!!
  23. lea75

    Baby Update

    awwwwwwww that is a stunning pic hun...really clear of her face
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