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Everything posted by lea75

  1. Good morning all I'm at Mums now, staying here till Wednesday. Kids have a week off school so may as well make the most of it lol It's great to be here, but I am really aching from being in the car for so long Off shopping soon, then havent got a lot planned today What have you all got planned?
  2. I love them..I think they are even nicer than the heart cherries...think I will have to start a new 99 collection
  3. Lmao!! but you are still SuperMum...what more can you want xxxx
  4. I've had an email from playfish support in regards to the corsage pot glich (not that I remember ever reporting it )...looks like they have finally fixed one of the many gliches Hi, thank you for taking the time to contact us here at Playfish. I have an update for you regarding your Mystery Corsage Pot that would not grow. The issue is now fixed and if you log in to Pet Society at: http://apps.facebook.com/petsociety - you will see that the Mystery Corsage Pot that were stuck in a pre-evolved state will now have evolved and is in a fully grown state. We apologize for the time it has taken us to resolve this issue, and we really appreciate your patience in waiting for the problem to be resolved. Have a wonderful weekend. Kind Regards, Playfish Support
  5. Lmao...poor Claudia!! Oh well as long as you get your gift it doesnt matter who sent it and who hasnt sent it
  6. tell your other kids to add me hun, then I can help out...I only have Didi on my friends list xx
  7. I cant believe they are charging 25cc's for the free items Payfish at their worst again
  8. Thank you all for your wonderful Birthday wishes and to all of you for taking the time to make my Birthday images...you are all truley amazing and I am lucky to be able to call you all friends xxxxxxxx Today has been a long day, I've been traveliing up to my Mums with my kids and the journey took nearly twice as long, 4 hours in the car with Phoebe is not fun lol Been for a lovely meal though so that made up for it Been spoilt today...I especially loved my presents from my kids as they chose them all by them selves, which make them so much more personal to me...and you should see the card I had from Gaiamaiden I will take a photo of it in a bit and post it in here for you all to see...its easily the best card I have ever seen Thanks again everyone xxxxxx
  9. OMG that is soooooooooooooo funny!!! Thank you so much!!!
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