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Everything posted by lea75

  1. when I was quitting I phoned the quit smoking help-line the govement set up and this is one of the best bits of advice they gave me Its a brilliant idea to quit in a group, the hardest part when i quit was that my partner and my best friend were smokers, and so had to be around them all the time
  2. lea75


    good job I cant drive or I would be on my way to the supermarket to buy ice-cream now
  3. lea75


    My favourite ice cream is hagann Daas - Strawberry cheesecake
  4. lea75

    Close, please :)

    thank you so much hun...item received and 3 x 999 sent Adding rep for you now xx
  5. lollypops I quit smoking about 8 years ago now....and the thing I missed the most was the physical act of smoking. so I used to have a lolly pop (sugar free of course) then I still had the hand to mouth action the other thing is when you cravings get really bad, brush your teeth or eat an orange...I'm sure you wouldnt want a cigarette after you have done these things, and even though you have quit...your brain will still assosiate the taste of the toothpaste or orange with not wanting a cigarette so it helps the craving go away. I'm sure you have heard of this one...but put the money you would of spent on cigarettes into a glass jar ( you need to be able to see it) and set yourself a goal...something you really want...and then use what would of been your cigarette money to buy it Good luck to you...its not easy, but it is very doable...and you will feel 1000 times better when you have got them out of your system Let us know how you are getting on
  6. lea75

    Close, please :)

    can I get a giant monster plushie from you please hun?
  7. lea75

    Close, please :)

    spinduliukas13 please add a valid facebook link, you cannot trade without one
  8. lea75


    good luck hun...hope it is the perfect house for you xxxxx
  9. electric fly swatter?? wonder if they have one of those that work on men as well
  10. The rules of the enchanted wings give away were very clear...it was only open to members without any other means of getting them. If you were able to get 23 cc's for the petling bear (no matter who put them in your account ) the you were able to get the wings. The giveaway was run solely to give member who have no access to cash coins a chance to win them
  11. I'm in no rush hun.. I will try for the wings for you, but if I cant get them just let me know what you would like instead of them xx
  12. CONGRATULATIONS TO URSULA REIS!! You have won any item from the cash shop up to the value of 20 cash coins. ;dance: There might be a problem with the wings if that is what you want...as obviously I am going to be buying them for myself when they come out..so wont be able to try and get anymore until the next day. Let me know what you would like to do
  13. lea75

    How many ???

    I did mine not so long ago, got rid of a load of old stuff....but you know me, I'm not a hoarder at all, If I dont use it then it goes lol
  14. lea75


    I like the dairy milk one...and of course the creme egg one at easter lol
  15. Great minds must think alike lol When you were posting this I bought a fly swatter for Phoebe...time will tell if she will use it though lol
  16. lea75


    mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Mcflurry...which one did you have?
  17. lea75

    Comfort foods

    my comfort food is ...... cheesecake...but it has to be homemade lol
  18. I was just on the phone to Kasi when Phoebe started screaming..not just a cry but a full blown scream..so I put the phone down on Kasi, and ran upstairs expecting to find her leg had fallen off or something (well that is how much noise she was making!) only to find her at the top of the stairs screaming because there was a fly!! yep a fly! she is petrified of flies...its going to be a long summer with her screaming everytime she sees a fly Oh the joys of kids
  19. brilliant comp again hun...please can I have number 28? thanks xx
  20. lea75


    WOW the sun is still shining!! I need to check this really the UK lol we are not used to sun here I've just been to stay and play with Phoebe...she is not happy with me though as I had cuddles with 2 beautiful little babies today and she got really jealous bless her! She is quite safe though, it didnt make me the slightest bit broody...The babies were stunning and I loved having cuddles with them but I was glad to give them back as well Going to go for a walk into town later...may as well make the most of this weather What are you all up to?
  21. I love the bear pettlings but I wont be getting one...my other pettlings ran away months ago and I havent got them back yet
  22. now they tell us???? typical playfish!!
  23. PMSL!! but in her defense I am nearly 35 () and still do things like that lol
  24. We are thinking of hosting a chat room fun time..with great comps, games and fab chat with prizes to be won....only problem is we are not sure what the best time of day is for all of you! Please can you let us know via the poll above which time slot you are most likely to be online for and then we can see what we can do....if the poll is split then maybe we can even do 2 events at different times of the day? you can select multiple times which suit you the best Also if you have any idea of what you would like to see in this chat room fun time then just let us know
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