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Everything posted by Zoonie

  1. Of course I don't mind Fame at last By the way feedback on visiting the unattended pets first, today I noted that Zoonie earned 150 coins visiting just one of them 20 for the visit (no bonus for activity there, obviously) and a total of 130 for petting and cleaning him! Not to be sniffed at, is it. Yeah Tweet, I've seen pets in the stadium in clothes that haven't been released yet, always wondered if they're PF staff? Didn't a staff member have a rainbow poo well before anyone else saw one?
  2. EEEK! seeing you has reminded me I forgot to do an internet banking transfer to our accountant for him to pay R's tax bill (has to be done by 31st Jan) - it's the grand sum of £39.01, but still it has to be done! (just incase you're wondering Frannie, that's just what wasn't already paid for the last tax year ending April last year, not his whole tax bill ) Hey Dawn, how's life? IMOM is sausages-a-hoop at Villa being in the Cup Final - not so happy that they play Man U, their bogey team...I told him to pack in whinging on about it (for obvious reasons, lol)
  3. Frannie, not seen much of you, how are things?
  4. Hiya Army. I had a funny sleep, woke myself up 4 times from busy dreams. The first time I was convinced that IMOM was shouting out Vinnie, Vinnie!!! (it wasn't even in his voice though, and we don't know anyone called Vinnie )
  5. Oh no, not yet. Have been watching this - scroll down and read the story http://www.snopes.com/photos/animals/christian.asp then see the video makes my efforts at rehoming Socks seem a bit tame! Will go and check your thread now ...
  6. Everyone's out or busy I reckon.
  7. Back again, they had to turn the power off.
  8. Zoonie

    C&G Gift Registry

    Monday 25th January - Australia Week & Burns' Night Garden Store Eucalyptus Tree with Koalas 1800 coins Received 3 DIY Store Sydney View Window 900 coins Received 2 Outback Wallpaper 750 coins Received 2 Outback Floor 300 coins Received 2 Uluru Rock 400 coins Received 2 Red Beach Mat 500 coins Received 2 Clothes Store Hat with Corks 500 coins Received 2 Woolly Boots 300 coins Received 2 Furniture Store Red Beach Chair 700 coins Received 3 Boomerang Decor 400 coins Received 3 Tasmanian Devil Doll 800 Received 4 Bagpipes 1100 coins Received 5 Loch Ness Monster plushie 1000 coins Received 3 Luxury Store Luxurious Sun Lounger 3,500 coins Received 4 Thanks so much to Mindy: Zog: Kijo: Marie (and Mopsy) Frannie & Co: Lea: Wishfairy: Armell and Zoonie[/quote]
  9. Good to hear Paige Bye BBG, have a good day. I've just got to go and make my workmen some hot drinks, there are three of them today, be back after that.
  10. Hi Paige, how are you feeling today? I just had FF crash on me
  11. I might have this sign put up at my front door!
  12. Sorry Kijo, yes I Get Around! Your replies weren't there until I'd refreshed 3 times! Good Morning.
  13. Morning, BGG, the song is whatever happens to be playing on the radio when I type, this one's from way before you were born - the chorus is really well known though
  14. ♫We always take my car cause it's never been beat And we've never missed yet with the girls we meet None of the guys go steady cause it wouldn't be right To leave your best girl home now on Saturday night♫
  15. OK my lovelies am definitely gone now no worries Foxy. Dawn, us too, baaah - so we cheer Villa on in the final then!
  16. I am going to have to say goodnight too, just poked myself in the eye by accident Gaaah, need to go and sort that out, and as I'm dog tired and still have to put the lads to bed, will sneak off and leave you with my love xxx See you tomorrow x
  17. I think 20, but if you want to send your message to my FB I can pass it on (only if you want obviously) Although you're on your way to 20 now Oh yes please. So, if you want anything to trade with, let me know. Like I say there is spare stuff there and you're friends with my OH anyway too.
  18. * * Select/Unselect multi-quote * Reply with quote * * * * Report post to moderator or admin * Lock post for new reports More mystery box items removed Post by lea75 Today at 8:06 am + ---- - Playfish have announced that they are removing even more 999 items from mystery boxes Sad Nine square shelving is being removed from BMB's and GMB's are losing Grape mirrors and the little frog dolls from Lea. *sigh*
  19. I think now, they're making it so I don't really care any more
  20. Pssst Dawn if you use the Bondi Beach floor, the burnt food makes great rocks
  21. Foxy I am one of the world's worst with mystery items (last week there was sun lotion) but can send you some TWS if you fancy any? (take a look at the Gift Registry thread) I know you don't usually worry about what Foxy has, but here are spares in the Registry and you are most welcome.
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