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Everything posted by Zoonie

  1. Which cakes Tanya? Oh and Wish, I only just discovered that the gazebo I wished for is CC, am a bit mortified, I wouldn't have asked for it had I realised
  2. Oh poop, not often I have something that someone else was really looking for! aaah well. Our garage door went ponto too, couldn't get it open - think something has warped and it blew a fuse. OH is totally useless at any kind of DIY, but our builder sorted it for us. Now the kettle's developed a glitch - we have NO luck with kettles, and it's not as though I buy cheap ones - the lid's stopped lifting up (you press a button to lift and fill) - this must be the fourth one in as many years
  3. Just been away from the thread, as was looking up the meaning of Hurst in so many village names around this neck of the woods - someone at work had asked OH if he knew (he didn't) There are lots of villages with hurst at the end of their name, but I found Hurst Green, which in Anglo Saxon was Hyrst Grene meaning Green Wood... so, I deduce that the Hurst bit = wood?!
  4. I sent notes in the game Frannie, but I absolutely loved the gifts you sent yesterday - and am so pleased I could help out with the surfboard LOL at the debacle over the chargers Wish. We're having a spell of stuff all going wrong - leak in the dining room celing, not sure where it came from and it's dry, but it's going to have to be replaced Possibly it came from when we had the radiator in the ensuite above, replaced - so that jobs going to cost £400 more than it did at the time Grrrr. The other work seems to be progressing well, thanks, must take some more photos today.
  5. Aaaw you thought of me Frannie Actually amazing how we do all think of each other at various times, not connected with PS at all. Sorry you're lonely Tan Tan The tennis isn't going our way at the moment, but give it time! Wish hiya...I kept wondering if you ever got your tablemats?
  6. ♫Doodle doo doo doo doo doo doodle doo doo♫ Am good here thanks, but boy there's a really severe frost, and it's freezing!
  7. Good Morning Ladies, no musical treat today - watching the Australian Open tennis instead How are you?
  8. Sorry Wish was doing chores and inspecting the work at the end of the week in the bathroom, it's looking pretty good so far!
  9. 674 Hiya am also very distracted here too ...
  10. Mont Blanc Cake Remember these were Gift Registry Donations - and that Kitty always buys 2 TWS Food for her own Larder... so, what are your guesses?
  11. Tip of the Day The distinction between herbs and spices is that herbs refers to the leafy green parts of a plant, and spices refers to other parts of the plant such as seeds, berries, bark, root, fruit and sometimes dried leaves. They add wonderful flavours to foods and make them interesting.
  12. Zoonie

    C&G Gift Registry

    OK BG, if your Mum doesn't manage to get everything for you, then I'm sure we'll have spares waiting when you get back
  13. Let's just go 668 and carry on, then it's fixed
  14. See you BBG *waves* travel safely and have a lovely time with lots to tell when you get back
  15. 676 (although we had a jump from 659 to 670?)
  16. I didn't need to have another guess - there are three of us in it to win it now! I saw the red flower for the first time today, it looks a bit like a crysanth, but I didn't have the power to pull it up and find out lol.
  17. well thank you again. At least if you hear an opinion from someone of a different age you can think about it and see if it makes sense to you, or not: it's up to you - being older doesn't necessarily make anyone right but it's sometimes easier to consider what they say, when it's someone who's not involved in the situation. By the way Fashionista, one of my daughters is also called Chloé
  18. Hope you have a good weekend Kijo. I was busy with a lady from the cat re-homing charity, she came to get to know Socks, as no one had really met him before, except Mo, who is a bit out of favour with them at the moment. Anyway that went well. Then I was busy with the builder, ooh errr - bathroom floor is tiled now, and he's using mosaic tiles instead of skirting board around the bottom of the walls and for a window sill...it's looking good so far.
  19. I've looked at all the pics now, and have to say that Gismo was a wonderful minister/celebrant, and Chup was a fabulous DJ, so good I can really believe he does a whole season in Ibiza It was a lovely event and I hope Joki and Snorks are going to be very happy together.
  20. Uh huh just seen the time, my hair's wet and I have someone coming in an hour, need to have some toast or something and then sort myself out - so have a nice Friday. BG if I don't bump into you again today, have a wonderful holiday - see you guys later x
  21. I did the Valentine one last night - you and Tanya are going to kill me!!! Glad you like them tricky though, it tests my brain trying to compile them. hee hee these aren't really rainboots, just sold as waterproof like http://www.timberlandonline.co.uk/on/demandware.store/Sites-TBLGB-Site/default/Search-Show?cgid=all_boots&start=0&sz=100&pkw-ggl=timberland+boots&gclid=CIXE9YWhyZ8CFRk_lAod6FhZzg&pid=PS_mns6inauth44&start=10&source=search&color=214 other than that we have our wellie boots, as discussed on C&G before - and you change those when you come indoors Well done on finding the face
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