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Everything posted by Zoonie

  1. Hello and Welcome to the daily chattering thread - you know what to do
  2. ♫...And if by chance, that special place That you've been dreaming of Leads you to a lonely place Find your strength in love♫ Good Morning All I think I'm going to start a new thread? Hold on to your hats (wedding hats, lol)
  3. Marlies we only made a 0-0 draw ...season isn't going well for us, but thanks for the support. TY also BBG for the advice, we have listerine here, we call it antiseptic mouthwash, will tell her. I'm off to bed, sorry to leave you, has been a fun day though. Night Night xxx
  4. Still having trouble with the football/soccer problems LOL Hey, I've got a good remedy for that scratch... Give me an A... R... N...I... C... A! Oh, wasn't ED having problems with her teeth too? How 's she?[/quote] How strange, I live 28 miles from Sevenoaks, where OH used to work, not the same one obviously! Am going to put arnica on my scratches, before bed, going up soon. Thanks for asking about ED, BBG - she's just living with it for now, ouch!
  5. Massive Liverpool fan Marlies, 0-0 which isn't good! My OH is a big Villa fan, we're a household that follows football like there's no other hobby!
  6. Oh my goodness, married by my Cap'n, a Room of Love, Sparkle has a date with a rock star, and a congregation of friends from all around the world. What fun What happiness - aaaw, I have a lump in my throat now and can't wait for the official album! Good times hey? PS night Tex, lovely to see you joining in x
  7. I'm fine thanks Marlies, keeping one eye on tonight's football (0-0, we should be winning) Socks just made a big scratch on my hand, bleurgh! A lady from the charity is coming to see him on Friday. The girls are quiet at the moment, so I assume they're ok - thanks for asking
  8. Marlies!!!!! mwah err - nope BBG, nothing else
  9. mwah ha ha ha haaaaa *goes to tend production line*
  10. glad to have been some help - sometimes I do feel like I'm a single minded evangelist with a hidden agenda, but seriously, am so impressed I'd never be without it now
  11. Aaah yes, over here it's a regular vaccination, better safe than sorry especially when numerous cats live/mix together. Arnica wont hurt, I mean wouldn't be wrong, it may possibly sting a little bit, but it's a really healing thing. It's the gel with arnica and witch hazel that really takes the heat out of a wound. You know me - Kijo must be convinced I run a business that sells arnica products
  12. Great idea Marie, Kijo could probably do that, although technically it's two hen nights Hey Tex! nice one
  13. let me do a politicians' reply, 'is the Pope Catholic?' How about a streamlining of the welcome pack/buddy idea, that members volunteer to be a buddy for new members and the buddy will provide a welcome pack of up to 500-1000 coins depending on their finances. Members subscribe to a thread volunteering to buddy a new member, and somehow (not quite sure how) they are paired with new members, provide a welcome pack and offer a point of contact for any help/advice the new member needs, which could include referring to a Mod if needs be. ---------------------- If I were Mayor for the day the only thing I'd do today, is simplify the site. Speaking personally, and for a lot of C&G members, it can be very 'busy' on the screen. There's a huge amount of content and that often means that you don't actually look at most of it. Some of us tend to filter stuff out in our brain, which means we miss looking at stuff that would actually interest us - we're overwhelmed sometimes. Thought should be given to members who have either very old computers, or, slow/unreliable connections - or, even worse - BOTH of those! Don't get me wrong, there's a lot of great content, but it can be intimidating, and for myself I'm a fan of clear and more simple really.
  14. Ouch! BBG that sounds painful. Good news that it's an early stage - in the UK this is a routine and regular vaccination issue. Hope all is well in the longer term.
  15. Zoonie

    C&G Gift Registry

    Paige don't worry it's all voluntary and on a can-do basis, not an obligation at all! x
  16. I could Clair but I like to add to the difficulty, cos everyone's so very good at it
  17. OK BBG What kind of things Paige? Excuse me a while, need to do some prep for dinner.
  18. Don't forget to put your dates on the Gift Registry BBG¬!
  19. BBG I think this link is a fair assessment http://www.catclinic.co.uk/health/catflu.htm but your own vet will obviously be able to examine your cat and give a proper idea.
  20. I don't know BBG, was just going on the fact that you sneeze with human 'flu, and I know cat 'flu is a disease that cats can contract.
  21. Evening BBG (Bride Bunny Girl) lol. You don't think your cat is suffering from cat 'flu do you? - not sure if that makes them sneeze like human 'flu does? Socks sneezes occasionally, but I think something just tickles his nose, it doesn't worry us.
  22. You make my sleep problems seem nothing Paige, what's your schedule tomorrow? It's just after 6pm here, and I have to cook, but not for about half an hour.
  23. Nope, I'm around, trying to sort out who won the last StD comp, it's tricky.
  24. OK I opened the bar myself - and if anyone wants me, PM so I know you're here please *hic*
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