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Everything posted by Zoonie

  1. I'm fine thank you, I've been doing Room 1 for Marlies's birthday tomorrow and also preparing a Wedding Chapel for a special event!!! I'm very happy to have come joint first with Tanya, in Lucky Strike's Caption Comp Oh and by the way, the song is a football song, we're watching an FA Cup game on TV - sadly though not the team whose song I posted (am not sure what their songs are lol)
  2. Hiya ♫I'm forever blowing bubbles, pretty bubbles in the air♫
  3. Zoonie

    C&G Gift Registry

    I'll update the final totals when I dismantle the room for Kitty tomorrow Thanks Paige and Dawn for the further donations
  4. A bit of a strange mix IMO. It's Burns' Night on the 25th January so probably the Scottish stuff is to celebrate that? It doesn't tie in with the Aussie things very well though, does it? (or am I missing something?) I'm not interested in the Mystery Box stuff as it's things that've been removed already - could be a piano or could be a pile of junk!
  5. Hello Audrey, yes of course Did you know that Toulouse and Kijo are marrying off their pets this next week? Oh and did you see my message about Marvin? can PM you if not How are you? busy weekend ahead?
  6. Sorry Mindy, time difference, you were all on your own Good Morning if anyone looks it
  7. Squirrel put in an appearance this week, and was chatting - it was around Page 28 of the current thread (is it part 4?) There's been some damage in her area from an earth tremor.
  8. ROFL! ok, going for the pans now anyway Hi BG sorry we crossed in passing xxx *poof*
  9. Good stuff, I would definitely cosy on in, make some nice food for the student, and then snuggle down and catch up on some TV/films - whatever. Then either go out at night or cook a romantic meal for two! (forget the weather) [quote="lyniroquai"] It's a while, we still have Socks with us! (am beginning to think he'll never go - I wonder how long he's been with us now?) Nice to see you I have to go for dinner now though - sorry, see you all soon xxx
  10. I was thinking about you today Lyn, and whether to add you to the missing in action list! How are you? and how's that little man doing? (can be the boy or the dog ) It's a good plan though Frannie, and please direct her over here when she's done
  11. 3.3? I'm lost Don't ask me why, I'm the product of the changeover system, we still use miles, and stones and pounds - unless you buy loose goods in which case you have to buy in kilos or grammes Petrol or diesel is sold in litres, temperature mostly Celsius, likewise oven temperatures - but carpet seems to be measured in square feet but priced in square metres - madness...none of us know where we are really, it's neither nor! Best of luck for Mrs CIB, what's she studying? I'd fancy a cosy-up given the weather!
  12. Wow Frannie you have 3.3 lucky you! Just watching Come Dine With Me and anticipating dinner. Tomorrow night we're having dinner next door (think they feel sorry for us with work in the house!) CIB, what are the weekend plans?
  13. Is Mischa still incognito? if so she needs the hood UP!
  14. See you then Wish Well, that's a good change, can earn more coins with the active pets and forget the inactive ones Thanks SIB, I really wasn't hinting chaps - didn't even think that way at all aaaw IMOM has just been talking about work and said 'it's a pleasure to go to work again' bless him - how's your new contract going? (if it's started yet)
  15. Hey doing IMOM's visits as he's agreed to cook and washing a dirty pet has brought in 60 coins over the visit coins, petting brought in another 50 as well, is that a record?
  16. Oh guys I didn't say it for that, I forgot too but thank you. IMOM says he needs to get Kitty's visits done, but then I will log in and start on Zoonie - in the nicest possible way of course!
  17. Really? is this the first time since I started playing PS that there's been something new in a cheap box??? OH and btw, we missed Zoonie's birthday, he turned 1 on the 4th, poor boy totally forgot
  18. Hi Carolyn, nice to see you How's life? aaaw that's lovely though - one problem I have with PS is how the scale of things varies so much. oi! you could have given me more warning, I would've put my drink down!!!
  19. as Wish said, but also often the perpetrators are known as 'Hoodies' so called as they wear them to disguise their identity from CC TV cameras and witnesses!
  20. You can get RollingRock here too Frannie, but haven't had any in ages (I don't often drink beer to be fair, just occasionally, if it's hot, ha haaa) They do sound good, reach a bit further Frannie. Too funny Wish (was a good footie week in our house) Thank you very much for the soups (in advance, not in there atm) LOL SIB, I hope Chup isn't going for an ASBO
  21. Oooh yes please Wish, is PS up again? it was under maintenance so I left it alone... must be the mystery items Yum, what kind of beer do you like Frannie? I like Michelob myself. I haven't seen the clues, or the spoilers yet.
  22. Not if they're quite close, I don't judge for who's got the most based on the number I've typed though - I do count up if everything's been accounted for, to make it fair. Just giving you a ballpark figure to spur you on Lovely to see you, night honey, and enjoy your weekend. Now you know where we are, don't be a stranger Friday night Wish!!! *passes end of week reward - cheers* you only missed DM by a whisker, and hopefully SIB may be back.
  23. hmmm, the way I've written them down I have 32, rofl. Although I've noted every single thing - even changes that weren't made by me
  24. Oh, and Frannie, I tried making the Spot the Differences pics bigger, don't know how you're getting on?
  25. dm, I've given you a point for good reputation (shortened to 'Rep') just to say Welcome (people usually award them for a good trade, or a good deed or a great post) There's a lot to look at on this forum, we have a whole group board now to ourselves, so when you get chance have a look at the Competition Section
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