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Everything posted by Zoonie

  1. WOW! fantastic Zoonie's just deciding what to wear to the Wedding of the Year
  2. Zoonie

    C&G Gift Registry

    Thanks Wish, I wasn't around last night, but think the Registry is really well taken of for last week, thanks. A massive list of new items this week! Amazing.
  3. Too true! Oh, I guess I could change it, I didn't like to really. Hold on, let me look. See you in a mo Paige.
  4. See you later Kijo. What topics we get through! Tanya, my maternal Grandmother was Doris (RIP) she actually brought me up (raised me) The pics are funny
  5. Where we shop in Borough Market, the fish counters, which are open topped, have clear polythene bags of water swinging above the displays of fish - apparently that keeps the flies away too. So far the winners of the radio phone in are Someone who called their first ever car, Doris Someone who has a chicken called Doris and Someone who, as a result of this phone in, has found out that their Grandma, who EVERYONE has always known as Wendy, was actually registered and Christened Doris
  6. the deadwood stage??? Hello Gill x Hey Paige yes, I guess so - a competition on radio, well, a phone in - getting people to call if they have a Doris in their lives
  7. ♫whip crack away, whip crack awaaaaaaaaaay♫ Tanya, it's supposed to keep flies away from the face, true! Morning everyone
  8. I'm just revving up for the evening
  9. OK Frannie, due to consumption of some alcoholic beverages, the result is delayed until tomorrow *whistles* Meanwhile I'm working on the next one *strokes chin*
  10. See you later sometime Tan Tan, I have to go and get a grip on the day
  11. Possibly - at least some interest in him. The man we mentioned him to hasn't come back to us (the man whose cat had gone missing about 3 months ago) The Mo (the lady I'm talking about) had to have a tree surgeon do some work for her, and he was saying his mother had just lost the cat she'd had for 18 years, he died unfortunately. Not to lose an opportunity Mo told her of the cats they have at the moment, should she want to have another - and Socks is the one she liked the look of I think.
  12. Hi Tanya, I'm trying to track down the lady from the cat charity, she left me a message on the phone on Thursday evening and somehow I missed it until we came in late last night (we went to our neighbours' house for dinner) It was a message about Socks! (don't know what it's going to be though)
  13. There's a programme called Come Dine With Me on British TV. 4 or sometimes 5 strangers are put together and have to cook a 3 course meal for each other on successive nights (too much food!!!) - each night the guests vote a score in secret, and at the end of the week the cook with the highest number of votes wins £1,000. They do a Celebrity version too, with the prize money going to a charity of the winner's choice. Anyway, one of the contestants spilt raw egg on the floor this week, and he gave it to the cat - that would never have occurred to me! I now have a vision of you caressing the sink Frannie Over here you can buy these http://www.amazon.co.uk/Zwilling-J-Henckels-Matt-polished-Stainless/dp/B002DGTI0M/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=kitchen&qid=1264327780&sr=8-1 By the way, over here we call your faucet, the tap (mixer tap, or hot and cold taps) - that's another one to go with 'airing cupboard' lol. Soup ladies?
  14. Yes of course, either/or or even both is fine - just options for people to do whichever they prefer. Any more entries, or shall I judge it later today?
  15. Morning All, you didn't wait for this lazy bones to get up! ♫lazy like Sunday morning♫ We had a late night last night!
  16. Zoonie

    C&G Gift Registry

    I found out from Tiph yesterday that there's been some damage at their home and they're staying with friends (since the end of December) Internet access is very occasional - so I shall be sending her some of this year's items from the Gift Registry.
  17. Zoonie

    We Need a Group Logo!

    Thanks If anyone has any nice ideas for a Valentine theme or specific competions do let me know.
  18. As you know both Mr and Mrs Zoonie enjoy cooking (and eating) and so do our pets. My OH (the IMOM) has suggested posting your cookery tips to share with Kitty of C&G Stores, and she will cook something for you as a reward (be patient, she's learning from us, so she's only up to soup so far) Kitty will start with her tip for saving your eyes from streaming when you cut or chop lots of onions (as I've just done) Wipe your knife both sides with the surface of a cut lemon. Cut a small piece of lemon and tuck in your mouth between the front of your teeth and your lips - keep it there as you chop or slice (IMOM says the added benefit is that it keeps his sous chef quiet as well - bloomin cheek!)
  19. Sorry Tiph, I missed you!
  20. Bye honey, I'm going too, I have to do some batch cooking.
  21. Thanks Kijo Not finished yet but your rooms are the top left large room and room 4 for the feast afterwards (I think) Appreciate the stool x Byeeeee
  22. I'll go and look at the link in a min. Am making another room for you guys and am stuck - do either of you have a fortune seller stool I could have or, just borrow for about a week please?
  23. It's not really FOOTBALL though is it, cos they pick the ball up that's like rugby, oh and baseball over here is called rounders and played by school girls
  24. Back, IMOM had just called me outside, and brrrrr it's icy cold. Football IS Football, proper football, like the World Cup, soccer is just what the Americans call it
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