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Everything posted by Zoonie

  1. Rep added Paige, that's absolutely lovely
  2. There're a few comps at the moment, be warned, by Spot the Difference is most often fairly fiendish :35:
  3. I'll be back in 5-10 mins, just inspecting today's work at home - if Wish or Frannie turn up get them to open the bar will you please? lol
  4. OK Carolyn, if you want to send through me, that's no problem, but it's a very busy day today, so don't worry yourself, neither of them expect gifts anyway - it's all for fun I'm just judging the last Spot the Difference competition - you might like to tax your eyesight soon and have a go at the Attic one (it'll be open a few days)
  5. I'm really pleased to have met you Dawn, and so glad you joined C&G, that's a great introduction and I'm sure you'll get to know loads of new people here P.S. We have a member called Dawny Dawn, from the UK and we also have a member called Kim, who has a pet named Bailey - how about that!
  6. The Bridal Suite before the honeymooners had off for Wish's Hotel on Dawn's fabulous beach! Room Service has delivered champagne, tasty treats, a mobile phone to send for more supplies and a special delicacy for Joki, if you can spot it!
  7. OK here goes: My left to right - flowers, I guess Luscious Lip: Jasmine: Pansy: Jasmine: Lily: Hibiscus: Pansy: Orange Lily: Orchid just short for vegetables Pandy, but this week the seeds are flowers.
  8. hi Gill and Zoonie. thanks. columbo will have a look at the other thread. i can take photos and put them on facebook but havent worked out how to do anything very clever here yet It's really easy Carolyn. It depends if you have your PS Album permissions set for anyone to view, or just friends? If it's for anyone, right click the picture to get the url location address of the picture, then go to the icons above the posting box, and chose the one with the image on it (between the image+disc icon and the link icon) you simply enter the picture URL in the pop up box and it will insert in a post here. Alternatively, save the pic to your computer and use the other image icon, which will give you a BB code for your pic to insert into your post. Any problems, I can help or just ask one of the others who know how to do it.
  9. Hi Carolyn, you can still be a part of the wedding There's a thread for it here, and take some pics of Columbo joining in - Kijo is planning a wedding album. It'll be nice to see more of you.
  10. BTW - did you know you get Paw Pounds/Points for logging in each day? as well as for each post. Just got to nip outside, was also around but doing some pics for IMOM to add to the Wedding Album
  11. GIFT REGISTRY LIST: sweetheart tea set cute wooden chest white cute floor lamp red/blue beach mat aero full length window beach bikini tartan dress lochness plushie tasmanian devil plushie surfboard (2 offcourse, we have to be able to surf the waves together!) kangaroo plushie birdhouse decor apple kitchen set (= apron, pot holder, oven glove) contemporary bathroom sink unit light rattan seat/sofa white jacuzzi wooden outdoor table/chairs stella sofa/love seat/stool black groovy bookcase espresso machine black/lightblue mugs (couldn't decide on the color LOL Zoonie and Kitty are putting together for their presents, and will be sending the wooden outdoor table and chairs, some beach rugs and other goodies
  12. I'm sorry I need to go and take care of some stuff - fun morning though. I'll leave the page open and pop in and out as I can
  13. Dawn your pics are so sweet, I added a Rep point to your score they made me smile so much x
  14. Lucky ED then, I thought it was a lovely thing to do her a special themed lunch
  15. Zoonie

    Main Forum Threads

    /the-cafe-f3/run-psfc-for-the-day-t7725.htm The Mayor is asking for suggestions - what if YOU were Mayor for the day? What would you do Forum Wise? if you have any serious ideas, go and put them forward.
  16. See you BG enjoy your day A good day for girl AND cat then DOH! I meant tim tams, was thinking of Tanya (Tan Tan) rofl silly me - what are they? Bye for now Frannie.
  17. Welcome Mayski. I get what you mean - apart from asking Mods, an ordinary but more senior member, so you can keep it 'unofficial' so to speak - like a Buddy System I think you just blew your chances Smorkle I'm going to have a think!
  18. Hi Sanakan, I have two daughters. They're 25 and 21 now, and I have to confess that sometimes our family have been guilty of perhaps hurting their feelings when we actually thought we were teasing. It happens. The important thing is that you need to work out whether they mean just to tease you with affection, or just mean what they say. I don't think you should change what you look like, you should look how you want to look. All I can think of to recommend is that when something's said, you take some deep breaths and don't over react or sulk, as that will make you seem less mature. If you feel you can't cope with it, then I'd speak to them, calmly and say something along the lines of 'I know you think you're joking, but actually, you're hurting my feelings, and if you keep it up now I've told you, then you're going to give me a complex' Maturity isn't definable by how you look, it's not a rigid thing that can be taught or assumed. We all mature over different issues, at different times in our lives - we never stop learning and growing emotionally. Accepting who you are, and learning how to deal with things that distress you is just one step. Good Luck x
  19. Happy Australia Day Paige - my elder daughter flatshares with two Australians and they made her a special packed lunch to take to work today, all themed - how cute is that? Oh and what are Tam Tams please? Night Tanya, rest those eyes for goodness sake, they've been working over time. Hot news - IMOM has been released from doing Jury Service as they had too many people called up.
  20. I couldn't decide what to do, so did them all I like the Versailles Room because it has the quill ink pen to sign the Register and Cupid looking down Glad you like them. Can't wait to see the wedding album!
  21. Joki and Snorks were to be married And Zoonie made a toast 'We all wish you a life full of happiness and contentment' They had a choice of venues, as you can see, for the vows and for the formal signing of the register and the wedding breakfast looked as though it was going to be romantic there was plenty of space for all their friends to enjoy and party - indoors and outdoors and to dance the night away to DJ Chup before leaving on their honeymoon a truly fantastic time was had by all!
  22. I just glanced I need proper PS names though gotcha! I have one more pic to upload before I can post in the wedding thread - got to go and make the builder a drink though, brb
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