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Everything posted by Zoonie

  1. Hi Frannie DM, how rude. All I can say is that you can never choose your family, neighbours or colleagues - you CAN choose your friends though and your friends won't/don't take advantage of you and they care about you too Psst and if you COULD choose your colleagues, you wouldn't choose people like that now would you?!!? <-- to them
  2. Great news about the move then, it was all worthwhile Gaaah, colleagues eh? Grrrrrr. My OH is so much happier with his new job, much nicer people there, but ED isn't - her colleagues aren't very nice. I had a quick chat with Pearl yesterday, she's been at her new job about 3 months, and is settling in slow and sure.
  3. Zoonie hun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry for taking so long to check in here.... Don't you worry about it, it's nice you're here now. I know you've been busy - how is your new place now? are you happy with the move? I was just a bit worried about you after your status yesterday
  4. Yeah...another winter gale about to blow through this evening and tomorrow. It has warmed up again at least but more wind and rain likely till Sunday. Hope all the work gets done at your place. I know it can get chaotic. Myself and the Mrs. are doing well. Sad new for her parents though last week. They were given 2 months notice at their job after 35 yrs. Not so good times for them...but they are coping ok. We are both looking to build a place in the not so distant future. Hoping all goes well with that. Preliminary stages so far. I will definitely have a look t the new contest when I get back from lunch:) Wahoo. I love challenges:) Oh gracious look at my typo SIN instead of SIB rofl - another new nickname!!! Sorry to hear about your inlaws, that's harsh and sad news. If you need any advice on building or renovations, both me and DM are on hand, lol. I project managed when IMOM and I built our own house years ago, it was 6 double bedrooms and a third story office suite in the roof space, so it was a big one to work on.
  5. Yaaaay DM! WELCOME and how are you? come here
  6. Good thanks SIN/CIB (wet and cold here though) Having work done on our house - main bathroom's all stripped out...a bit of respite over the weekend though! How about you and your good lady? Psst also do you want to do the spot the difference? it's a tough one!
  7. Hiya, am I too late to catch you guys?
  8. Darn, just can't seem to get the size right and yet big enough to see - sorry guys.
  9. Current: Scavenger Hunt and Find the Differences Plus The C&G Counting Game
  10. Zoonie

    We Need a Group Logo!

    Thanks Marvin, have used it on the sticky in the Comps Board - and if you could maybe do it with some hearts, it would be perfect for Valentines???
  11. Only 3 guesses? Come on CeeGeeans, I don't charge to enter you know
  12. Room 2 http://i16.servimg.com/u/f16/14/66/26/01/spot_210.jpg
  13. Thanks, and here's another go at the pics. I never seem to use that picture editor, as it keeps asking me for a product key, which I don't have anyway it let me in to have a go http://i16.servimg.com/u/f16/14/66/26/01/spot_110.jpgLINK to view whole pic
  14. Sorry I disappeared the builder came in and needed me. I missed you all Hope the blood test goes ok Kijo: Frannie, get some rest! and BG, glad you feel better. Oh and incase you read back Linnaeus named the genus Aesculus after the Roman name for an edible acorn. The Eurasian species are known as horse chestnuts while the North American species are called buckeyes. Some are also called white chestnut or red chestnut (as in some of the Bach flower remedies). In Britain, they are sometimes called conker trees because of their link with the game of conkers, played with the seeds, also called conkers. * we have horsechestnut trees with edible chestnuts (lovely roasted) and conker trees which are non edible, but great for games
  15. Not at all, I have to get people to take nuts and crisps, and cheese or olives away from me Crisps (chips) with dips, and homecooked chips (fries) Although that said I'm very strong minded so if I had to give them up, I think I could - I gave up sugar in hot drinks, cold turkey and never looked at it again.
  16. I hate them, don't know how anyone can eat them, but then I'm not a chocolate lover, if I had to give it up for ever I wouldn't turn a hair. I have a savoury tooth and only have sweet things once in a while. If I do have chocolate, I have the real thing, very dark and bitter, the sort you just let melt slowly in your mouth - and I can have just one little square and then not think about it again for months 8) I wonder what's planned for the wedding breakfast????
  17. Aaah it wasn't an invitation TO the wedding, not as such Don't mention Kraft to me Frannie, quite a furore here over the Cadbury take over. Can you imagine a Kraft Creme Egg? ugh! I'm hungry now too Dawn but don't fancy anything - yes, started to come on last night, I didn't do more than 10 PS visits as I couldn't stare at the screen! How are you? and how's Bob doing?
  18. @Frannie, a suitable hat for an important event next week (look around the thread *whistles*) Cracker Barrel is the brand name of a pre-packaged Cheddar cheese in the UK Hard to say how the bathroom's looking really, it's fully boarded out now and the box work for the pipes is done, it's marked up for the fixtures and cabinets, and the first fix electrical is done. Plasterers come on Monday. It's probably at least another week, and while he can't work on it, he'll be doing a bit of work in the Utility Room and starting to strip out the downstairs cloakroom. I think the work will go most part through a third week - and that's without redecoration.
  19. I can't reply to anything else, or think of food - am shopping for a hat! We don't have any such thing as steak in batter here, sounds odd to me, nor, as you know, white gravy, gravy is always brown here, or if it's white, it's a sauce (savoury, such as cheese, onion, bechamel...that kind of thing...oh and fresh parsley sauce that you can have with white fish, salmon or ham) [/cookery lesson from the UK] Glad the tooth isn't any worse BG
  20. Morning - no tune today, head's throbbing a bit, so keeping quiet as I can (apart from the banging and clattering up in the bathroom!) How's everyone? Kijo I need to send you a RSVP!
  21. To Regina today known on the forum as OrangeLily xxx
  22. Yes, Regina with Mona, used to be HnyBny but joined here as OrangeLily, after her daughter I guess Just changing my Room 1.
  23. We have the bar open but soup is always good too!
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