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Everything posted by Zoonie

  1. Thanks, will give it some thought then
  2. Whoop Whoop, that's all anyone can do, there aren't any clues I'm not clear on your garden game, is it up to us if we think you're growing veg or flowers? (they're all going to be the same aren't they? i.e. this week it could be all flowers?)
  3. Paige, I take it that all the seeds you're using will be in store now? (no stored special edition ones?)
  4. The nearest is Paige, with a guess of 25. I'll drop some cookies off at your house Paige, congrats
  5. I just worked out the winner of the Larder game - getting the result now
  6. Go ahead, you know I'm not precious - that's what the forum's there for, so you do as you like, it's fine by me as long as the games fit with forum rules
  7. I'm enjoying it, although I've done a nice garden one, but run into the fuzzy problem again Just need to make some tea, it's really cold here!
  8. The problem with size is when I used one of the large rooms, so today I've gone back to normal size
  9. Shade/brightness differences between the two pics don't count by the way!
  10. http://i16.servimg.com/u/f16/14/66/26/01/spot_212.jpg There you go my lovelies, have fun!
  11. http://i16.servimg.com/u/f16/14/66/26/01/spot_211.jpg See how many differences/changes you can either circle or list. PM the answer to Zoonie here or Facebook in box Prize for finding more differences than ever before is a Candy Jar Decor
  12. OK, this round closed. I will see what Kitty has a little later and tell you who was closest
  13. Hi Sweet, I was just doing a new Spot the Difference - one to try and torment Eagle Eyed Tanya
  14. It worked, here I am! I get an email notification pop up Am doing a Spot the Difference for some light relief over a late lunch See you Dawn x
  15. You can usually magic me back by sending a PM or a facebook message, which goes to my email I wanted to catch you Tiph to see what other items we can send you, so if you read this, look back through the Gift Registry thread.
  16. Zoonie

    C&G Gift Registry

    Thanks both Tweet, don't go to crazy town, come baaaaaaaaaaack
  17. I'm around but doing pics for you - which I can't tag Bet of luck petal x
  18. Sure she can do whatever she'd like to. I didn't realise that the pages continued the way they do. We need all the C&G logos available to all, and as soon as we see the thread approaching 100 one of us, whoever's around, should start anew. I do sometimes wonder if Lea regrets inviting us over here Will go and do that now then, and a note to SIB.
  19. Sure, if he asks me what he has to do, what do you want me to say? Frannie, and everyone, sorry I disappeared, but that's how it is at the moment. Frannie/Tanya why not take the prizes anyway and then do another game with them lol. It did occur to me that the first post wasn't really one we'd all want at the top of every page, but at the time, I didn't want to tread on Bee's toes at all. I gather she's having a particularly hard time again right now. Hope she doesn't mind how I changed it.
  20. BRB. The builder's talking to me.
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