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Everything posted by Zoonie

  1. ROFL you fool, will keep your dirty secret safe! that's what's known in this house as food porn
  2. We're not having ANY luck with appliances. We used to before we bought this house, which was new when we got it. So far we've had to replace the boiler and the completely integrated dishwasher within the first 5 years - even the new Miele dishwasher we bought has had to have a repair. We've had about 6 kettles since we moved here, 3 irons 3 or 4 computers...goodness knows how many motorised valves and pumps on the heating. And thank goodness I take out insurance on the cooker as it's always needing attention. It grieves me when I think about the house we left. Maybe we moved to a home in a magnetic field or something? Oh and yes, our garage door is dicky at the moment too.
  3. We're not doing too badly at all thanks Wish, I did put the totals in today and of course, they're available next time too. The bathroom's looking good, but the delay I spoke about earlier up the thread has really annoyed OH. The TV has to go away for the repair to the dvd player, and the blooming kettle has to go back too Sheesh!
  4. Wish be a love and play bar tender will you please, I'm just nipping to check out today's work with OH and will be right back ...
  5. Oh dear. Well, at least his condition's being managed. MY OH has been on medication since he was ooh how old - err...about 35 I think. His blood pressure was the highest they'd ever experienced at the hospital clinic and even beta blockers didn't bring it down! I absolutely adore tomatoes in any form. I had a pyloric stenosis when I was a baby until I was 18 months old and they operated, and a tomato was the first solid food I ever ate
  6. OH had made a cottage pie base mix, but I wasn't happy with it. The carrots and onions were too large and too under-cooked, and he hadn't cooked it down enough, so the balsamic vinegar still tasted too much instead of melding in to the gravy to enrich it. Oh, and for a completely inexplicable reason he totally forgot to add any tomato or passata or anything at all tomatoey So - I was deconstructing it, and sorting it all out.
  7. Zoonie

    C&G Gift Registry

    Two Week Specials for Valentines and for the Lunar New Year - February 1st -14th Gardenstore Bleeding Heart Flower Seed 500 coins received 4 Tree seeds 750 coins received 5 DIY Store Romantic Sky Wallpaper 950 coins received 1 Furniture Store 1st Kiss Statue 1800 coins Received 5 Baby Unicorn Plushie 1000 coins Received 2 Food Store Cupid Ice Cream 120 coins Received 12 Clothes Store Pink Juliet Dress 800 coins Received 2 Lunar New Year Items - this year Chinese New Year begins February 14th and will be the year of the TIGER New Year Feast Table 2500 coins Received 6 Wall Decoration 750 coins Received 3 Prosperity Plushie 800 coins Received 5 Thanks to: Novia: Marie (and Wuzzy): Sharon: Gill: Frannie: Mary: Marie (and Mopsy) Milena
  8. sorry to laugh Frannie, but those two posts together were quite funny *poof* back later
  9. See you Tanya, hope you get on OK, see you soon x
  10. Oh yes, I've read My Sister's Keeper and The Lovely Bones, both tricky, but good. I've just searched my local library, they have the Outlander series, but not all at my branch - and they're out on loan now, will keep an eye open.
  11. More books by Alexandra Fuller also read her Scribbling the Cat and a book I love and must re-read is The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time, has anyone read it? I think it's brilliant. That sounds good Tanya, reminds me a bit of the Time Traveller's Wife, which I enjoyed. PS the Curious Incident is by Mark Haddon. Bye for now Kijo xxx
  12. No, don't think so, will look into them Oh yes, I've read The Kite Runner. I also read Q&A long before it was made into Slumdog Millionaire Don't go getting fired Dawn, *cracks the whip*
  13. Me too, sink weirdos ROFL! Tanya I put some recommendations on the Book Club thread, fear I might be a bit too err mature for some of the readers there though - as in not suitable content, not as in wise or clever. One book I enjoyed as light reading was Still Life With Chickens by Catherine Goldhammer. Sometimes I like historical, sometimes crime and/or moider(sic) thrillers, or *checks to see who's looking* some lighthearted frothy chic-lit I like biographies and other non fiction too.
  14. and a new title - because Tanya and I were finding it hard to control ourselves when we abbreviate the old one
  15. Zoonie

    Books to recommend

    I haven't actually read either of these books myself yet, but am going to read them next because friends have highly recommended them both - both of them are British and historical The Suspicions of Mr Whicher http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/0747596484/ref=ox_ya_oh_product Several friends have read that one and enjoyed it and Tudor Rose by Sue Allen http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/1906070091/ref=ord_cart_shr?_encoding=UTF8&m=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE
  16. I have some recommendations for historical, but British historical really...although I've read a couple of memoirs of growing up in South Africa, and they were good too. I'm annoyed about the items not arriving - because we ordered at the beginning of November, to take care of the Christmas break and to allow a margin for delays etc. - nothing that can be done now though. Bless you Dawn thanks
  17. The synopsis Esperia Badly shaken after the loss of one of their own, the men and women of Troubleshooters Inc. go up against their most deadly opponents yet –- the clandestine organisation, The Agency. Blackmail, extortion, murder: The Agency’s black-ops sector will stop at nothing to achieve their objective. But this time they’ve gone too far and hit too close to home and the Troubleshooters are out for revenge. Led by former Navy SEAL Lawrence Decker, a team of investigators –- from FBI agent Jules Cassidy and former CIA operative Dave Malkoff, to Troubleshooters Sophia Ghaffari, Tess Bailey and receptionist Tracy Shapiro –- band together to uncover the truth, and bring the killers to justice. But the stakes are raised even higher when Decker barely escapes an attempt on his life. It soon becomes clear that the hunters have become the hunted –- and the Troubleshooters are no longer just solving a crime -– they’re fighting for survival. Anyone reading my reviews or suggestions would need to remember I have children older than a lot of forum members here, so some of the books would be recommended as adult reading...this one has some pretty gruesome violence and references to errr 'romantic encounters' (I don't want to run the risk of 'corrupting' anyone!)
  18. A tub is a bath and a basin is a sink - except we use sink for the kitchen and handbasin/basin for bathrooms/restrooms/cloakrooms (whichever) Oh and a faucet (sp?) is a tap in real English and a baby's diaper is really called its nappy! *runs*
  19. Hey Dawn, I have a book on the go all the time Tanya, read every night, when I can't sleep in the night, on the train, in the car (not if I'm the driver obv rofl) Just had a convo with the builder, hit a glitch, we're having two washbasins and only one has turned up at the supplier - and the granite top can't be cut for the fit until both basins are available - the builder goes on holiday and it's looking like he wont get the job finished before he goes
  20. Don't be silly Kijo, pets' pets couldn't have pets, that would indeed be madness I abandoned you then, while Tanya was playing - posted in the book forum.
  21. Oops, didn't even answer the question. I've changed the type of book altogether for my latest read Dark of Night am finding it quite gripping, although am reading late at night and so mixing up some of the characters at the moment. Would definitely look for another book by Suzanne Brockmann...and she's written a fair few by the look of it.
  22. Good idea, the film is out next month isn't it? with a different twist on the original story. I like both of those, the Tudor period is so rich with romance and horror - it fascinates me. This wont be for many people but I just finished Black Diamonds by Catherine Bailey it was riveting, and gave a very good and balanced account of that period of English history (I think) I also just finished Best Love Rosie which I enjoyed too.
  23. Girl, you'll be rattling! Wish, see you later - hope he's ok No rain here today so far (makes a change!)
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