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Everything posted by Zoonie

  1. Did you bring any tasty treats Kijo?
  2. That's a really bad glitch. I was lucky then as I had last Valentine's sparkling juices and some cakes and a love potion in the same room as Sox. He didn't touch them luckily and I moved them as soon as Frannie had warned us today. We have a Cuisineart mini oven that's fabulous for pizza! (it has stone clad sides and a separate stone that you lie your pizza on...makes a big difference.
  3. Morning Wish, Tanya's making us pizza I like this font Tanya http://www.identifont.com/samples/microsoft/Harrington.gif
  4. I'm back Hi Dawn, rheumatoid arthritis (is RA) Just getting the coffee...
  5. Thanks for all that Tanya I'll be back shortly, just have to make coffee and have a word with the builder - look after the shop would you please?
  6. I just learned this from a friend too - her petling ate past TWS foods GRRR. I had two sparling juice (last Valentines) and some later TWS foods in my room, luckily the petling hadn't got hungry yet!
  7. I know you were teasing, am spreading myself a bit thin. I still need to type the list for the Gift Registry, and despite Frannie not being here now, I need a coffee too! I know it's the font that's available, do I sound picky? I guess there must be a more rounded one out there, one that's still decorated. I like that pic, it's got a lot of character I think, is Lieve's pet Molly? or am I now mixing someone else up too? Kijo - I've been looking to find what the Dr said???
  8. The prize is a sandcastle! shade variations can't be helped, I haven't adjusted the colours at all.
  9. Eek! I seem to have lost all the PMs except Tanya's, any chance you could resend to me if you entered please (including Tweet's cute picture of Zoonie) Sorry!!! *blush* As usual please PM your answers to me, either here or on FB - mark the subject line with Differences - Beach please, so I can easily pick out the right messages. This one should be slightly easier... All I need to do next is think of a prize
  10. I can see romantic and viney but I think it's the font, the upper case G and the t in particular that seem to lend it a more Gothic feel, even though it's pink. I guess I imagine romantic to be more rounded, even though that one has the curly details. Does that make sense? Seeing as you have time today then would you do a Newsletter please? Just add a link to the main group page and then a link to the Birthday Notification thread and say that as we have the whole group, birthday records and greetings are now on here. Remind people there are comps going on, and the rest is up to them! As for any banners or logos for the group, I'm trying to rotate the ones I have for the different threads, it's just important really that they're not too huge when they figure on every page. I'd quite like a new avatar if anyone's bored? One that has Zoonie smiling and shows his whole body rather than just his head if possible??? I missed Army going *waves*
  11. Gill ...... I didn't get a chance to ask you earlier ... You said too gothic .... I was going for romantic and viney ... and like I said before, I don't expect you to use it, I am looking for input on how to improve .. Gill .... you are avoiding me ..... Sorry no, not avoiding you - was posting in a petling thread, doing photos for Name the Differences (see what I did there) answering the phone and typing replies for here! Meanwhile the posts were rolling in here, I only saw Frannie left because someone else said goodby (oops) And I found this Zoonie entertained the mother of the bride! Let me look again Tanya.
  12. Zoonie's petling is called Sox, after a little black and white cat I'm fostering at the moment... Sox is blue, with red ears and white socks, and I think Sox is a girl because they're given her a pink collar, whereas the real life Socks is a boy, and of course he's not blue and red he's black with white socks... he's just as bouncy though (well, almost!)
  13. Night Frannie x Kijo, I'm thinking with the newsletter for the FB page, that I'm going to send links to threads on here now they're all in one forum and not likely to drop like a stone off the front page (like the old forum) A lot of people say they forget to look at the FB group anyway (so do I to be honest) and it will also avoid people telling us they belong to the group, when we don't know who they are. We have to announce the February birthday dates. Oh, and have you all read about the Triple Paw Points initiative? On Saturday it's Groups' Day - so every post in a group will earn you 3 points instead of 1!
  14. OK Tanya can do that, but we could have a list here too, of our members' petlings, so we remember names lol. I got very confused about someone who was donating to the Registry I just fixed two pics for a Find the Difference comp
  15. Let's have a petling thread - somewhere to post pics and introduce all the pets' pets. Who wants to start it? Apparently the bleeding hearts stay so long as you don't pull them up? I just ran and moved the sparkling juices out of the Joki and Snorks' honeymoon room! There was a love potion in there too, so I've hidden that as well! hah!
  16. Oh wow - good to know! (eek!!!) By the way, the song today was
  17. Have you seen this btw? Bleeding Heart Glitch! by MaMaShiShi Today at 2:37 am+ ---- - First topic message reminder : I bought a Bleeding Heart Seed yesterday and planted it in my garden. Today, I went to my garden, and there's a beautiful bleeding heart growing. So I happily pluck it out of the ground to put it in a pot... and I get the message 'you've just grown a Waratah!'—and that's what's in my chest now! What?! I paid 500 coins for that seed! I want my Bleeding Heart! Good Morning All
  18. ♫ You're out in the world out there Impossible dreams can take you where Ooh, You can win it all Sneak out, it's the way you feel Reaching up to make it real Ooh, Together we can win it all No more running in a golden cage There's only one way you're gonna go from pain ♫
  19. Dream was posted this morning, actually night sleep is ok, it's R waking me up at just before 5am and me thinking I need more Zzzzzz lol. Meal sounds scrummy Di. OK so I have that Horlicks, the Lads are in, fed and down for the night, so I too am going to turn in - I can't tell you how lovely it was to chat together, even briefly. Love you both and love out there to K and Mel too xxx Night sweets
  20. I put the still of the elf yourself on a thread in this group here Girls, I am done for (have been having disturbed sleeps and weird dreams, you wont have time to read back, but this morning's was about a goat ) Am going to put the kettle on...
  21. Next one you will, because it's going to be easier (so you're not eligible to win, just to play ) The Valentine one.... I'll try and post a winner and the new comp tomorrow.
  22. Oooh Boo, how was the Thai???
  23. LOL Boo, yeah 3 out of 5 ain't bad ♫ I'm ok thanks, still got the cat and the cat allergy, lol. what can you do, he's a sweetie, if naughty sometimes. ED is ok too, got a mega event coming up but I'm sworn to secrecy, it involves a big, big star though (if it comes off) Have begged for an invite (to no avail) No news of Y|D, so presume ok OH is loving his new job, new lease of life really, nice people and it seems to be going ok. He's working from home on Friday, and planning on taking me out for lunch
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