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Everything posted by Zoonie

  1. Thanks Tweet. I think it's because as a Group we were given a home here. Our whole coming together was the chat we have really, so between that and the visits (which I have to say with all the clicking PS like us to do, seems to take for EVER these days) most of us don't really have time for too much else. If I'm being totally honest, I'm getting bored with PS again - you know you are when it seems more like hard work than fun Quite so! I sometimes wonder where on earth they find them from! Am SO made up for Pompey, hooray, really pleased.
  2. Aaagh my other half is telling me I simply must attend to stuff in the oven. Meanwhile I'll leave you with a little gem of a cartoon (can't post links any more, so go to simonscat dot com and look for Snow Business) See you soon, thanks for stopping by.
  3. Ooh Hi Tweet, see I was just going to start some more cooking and you guys turn up - how can I go now and not say Hello? I'm fine thank you, how are you? Thanks Lazar, I must venture out into the main forum again!
  4. Ooh Hi Tweet, see I was just going to start some more cooking and you guys turn up - how can I go now and not say Hello? I'm fine thank you, how are you? Thanks Lazar, I must venture out into the main forum again!
  5. that sounds delicious! Yes, long time...look forward to seeing you more - are you going to play our competitions too?
  6. Ooops sorry Lazar - HI, am well, and you? We're all thinking of our lunch, either eating or cooking lol (and yet not so long since I ate breakfast!) Hope you're well.
  7. I've been preparing leeks which have made my eyes water, and chopping tarragon, which is such a lovely aroma. Will sign out too if you pair are off, might look back later when we watch the match - will be cheering Pompey on Boogs, good luck PS if Frannie gets a chance to look in, FB message me - am thinking of you x
  8. At least you can try before you buy these days BG I'm ok for eggs myself thanks - just IMOM looking for his last two.
  9. ^ keep thinking of poor Chup - there's been nothing for our boy pets for a while now. Posted Hideeni several times this morning on both mine and IMOM's walls.
  10. Thanks BG, still not what he's looking for - so very frustrating, I really wish they could be gifted! They're bound to stop soon aren't they. Have seen a review of the new items, not very enamoured - same old ideas with different colours - they seem to be doing that more and more.
  11. Aaaagh. Thanks for the egg Boogs, still not one he needs. He's looking for the mosaic, and the green clover one, which is so annoying as all I could find were bloomin green clover, for ages and ages, had loads of them Grrr.
  12. Yaay TY Boogs. No BG, you really wouldn't eat a sloe, and, they're hard texture.
  13. I'm hunting for eggs for IMOM, he still has 2 or 3 to find *sigh*
  14. you wouldn't eat sloes on their own as a fruit, they're very bitter. They're used as an ingredient for various chutneys or jellies as a condiment, or best known really for being steeped in alcohol - slue gin being the best known
  15. Finished breakfast - it was lovely, the bread is soft brown, with sun dried tomato and oregano, really tasty. Yaaay for Soldiers! We have plenty of daffodils out now, and the blossom is starting - our blackthorn bushes are looking very pretty (if you keep away from the thorns) I bet we have loads of sloes this year.
  16. Morning BG, I'm just eating a boiled egg and soldiers
  17. Wish - FA Cup semi final at Wembley. Villa-v-Chelsea. Ref denied Villa an early penalty which even Chelsea agreed they should've had, and it was also a red card offence, as our striker was definitely denied a goal scoring opportunity ... Villa ended up losing the match, quite conclusively as Chelsea won 3-0, but it was 2 very late goals gave that score line and wasn't at all indicative of just how well Villa played. John Terry could also have been sent off for a terrible tackle on Milner, but he wasn't - so, Chelsea had ALL the luck and played most of the match with 11 men, when they shouldn't have! [/rant]
  18. Good Luck today then Boogs (him and you) We're down in the mouth in this house, after yesterday's fiasco! Hope you get a better Ref!
  19. Sorry just distracted by OH, who says Hello btw. Hope it's all ok for him Boogs.
  20. It's a very life changing event, a stroke, my late MIL had one. I think it's all about the quality of life that you can gain afterwards - must be very difficult indeed. Am I misremembering or did your s/Dad have some health issues too? It seems really hard to keep up this past few months
  21. Hope so, it's a bit mixed here, keeps going dull, but dry still. Hugs for you Wish and you Boogaloo, how are you both? Boogs has that Doctor ever got back to you? and how's MIL coming along these days?
  22. Is it going to run or not Clair? I'll play if so
  23. Sorry yes, will lock the thread - it'd fallen way down and so it didn't cross my mind - but as Lea says, keep your eyes peeled in the main forum, as there are always different things coming up for PSFC!
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