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Everything posted by Zoonie

  1. Lovely morning on its way (I think) Leo, sorry you're so down at the moment, just go with the flow for now, it'll pick up I'm sure
  2. OK no one showed up so off for breakfast ... oven cooked sausages and scrambled eggs, granary brown toast and brown sauce YUM!
  3. Ooops I missed your last message and kept refreshing waiting for you to come back
  4. Sorry I'd wandered off reading Wikipedia Army It's a football cup tournament this afternoon, semi finals and IMOM's team are playing, I was checking out the match referee lol. Sorry about your weather How's the itching now?
  5. Good Morning - lovely sunny morning here
  6. OK honey, we're about to eat soon, so I have to go too. Enjoy your weekend
  7. thanks for the link BG, not aware of that case, will read ... am just on the phone (the friend who rambles on for EVER)
  8. LOL bless you BG. That whole family is provocative, in the true sense of the word - testing boundaries, provoking further thought etc. Can I ask...which murder case are you looking at? would I know it?
  9. It's a whole brand of underwear and perfume, very errr...exotic (am typing in the spirit of the new guidelines )
  10. do you want to bury your face in it, and go Brrrrrrrrrrr? Oh yes, and their son started Agent Provocateur the underwear company, do you know them? Enjoy Wish, see ya. As it happens Vivienne is lovely, she's eccentric of course, but a lovely person. Also ED's b/f has done her hair at London Fashion week and he says she's absolutely delightful.
  11. Aaaw baby elephants, we had a really amusing encounter with one on safari, I love the way they live, looking after each other. We have a huge amount of tarragon, am attempting some chicken breasts with butter and tarragon under the mini fillet part, and going to wrap them in bacon and do a sauce with vermouth and cremé fraiche plus some more tarragon...hope it works out. Just watching something about Malcolm McLaren...a bit of our youth gone again.
  12. Hey Wish, how very rude, imbibing with OH and not bringing us out with you Well, our weekend is going to be relaxing if I have my way! (unlikely) A mosey to the local village for supplies, back, on the sofas at 4.30pm parked in front of ITV for the match (F A Cup final Villa -v- Chelsea) Something nice to eat in the evening (cooked by our own fair hands) and then, if the weather holds - a big house and garden tidy up on Sunday. What about you?
  13. Competitions is the first C&G section Announcements and Stickies is the next then we have Topics, where this thread is located The new rules link takes you to this /the-cafe-f3/psfc-rules-important-t10012.htm
  14. Hiya BG, I'm really lucky I never need to negotiate shopping, R and I both like all the same things, whether it's football or shopping, so it works out fine. The rules are a sticky in the announcement section, if you just go to the main whole forum, you should see them.
  15. Quarter to six ... we were going to nip out earlier to the village for some bread and some tomatoes for breakfast...but my eyes were streaming, and I couldn't stop sneezing, so we didn't. Have also edited the first post, if everyone could have a little peep at Lea's new rules please.
  16. Dang it, I missed Novia yesterday and now again today, must check the times and try and be here!
  17. Bye Kijo, BG and Frannie - will be thinking of you, do the Zen thing (and take 2 cases incase you need to make a secret escape!) If I don't see you later, have a safe trip. Bee, I have to go, must blitz the kitchen and then get a shower. Will check in later today xxx
  18. - amazing what some people think is unfair! Hey listen, it's not that I'm unsympathetic, I have to build myself up to talking to my own mother, even on the phone! Just trying to boy you up a bit
  19. see you never know what's going to happen when we're on a roll in here FlaF rofl. You've got to go all Zen over this trip Frannie, it might not be as bad as you fear (and at least it wont be that long) I'll give you some more Rep when you get back, to make it all better for you shame Boogs wasn't in reading this, she'd be chuckling too.
  20. I had to add to Frannie's rep, for being such a good sport, really given me a laugh
  21. Hannah - Lea's post was from February????
  22. ROFL see my last reply. Do you know who she is? Character name is Fanny la Fan, Edith's mother in Allo Allo. Rose Hill got the part aged 70 and played her all series, over 10 years I think. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Madame_Fanny_La_Fan
  23. OMG sorry Frannie, I totally agree with what you're saying - in this day and age, it's taken very seriously here, even what some numbskull thinks is a light hearted quip is an arrestable offence. All of this conversation of course, has been completely poleaxed by your new avatar, I laughed out so loud I frightened a sleepy Dennis
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