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Everything posted by Zoonie

  1. I just saw you post an egg too thanks Frannie How was your Easter? No seeds or stickers for me thanks Leo, I have gold sticker packs to gift if anyone wants/needs them?
  2. Bring coffee back Boogs. Yes, the taste test she correctly identified 1. Sainsbury - scored 7½/10 2. Waitrose, wholemeal - scored 9/10 3. Marks & Spencer luxury - scored 10/10 and she didn't even know which shops we'd got them from! Dennis is excused (this time) as he's had a very stressful time of late, and as soon as Socks went, people he's not sure about turned up and upset his equilibrium, but he'd better not do it again! ED was stroppy all weekend really. I don't think she's all that happy in her relationship, but she wont do anything about it, she's kidding herself. It was all about us moving our bedroom furnitures around from room to room to make the best use of the space. She didn't like it (and she hasn't lived her for 4½ years!)
  3. Talking of calorific, I am still in fits of laughter over our YD. She turned up at breakfast time on Sunday, demolished a cumberland sausage sandwich so huge that she had to have a rest in the middle of it, and then went on to eat THREE toasted hot cross buns, and identify which shop each one came from, in our Easter Challenge taste test! There's nothing of her either!
  4. Sorry about that, gosh I am pushed out at the moment, hardly know if on my head or my heels. Morning Leo Did have a nice Easter, but quite a bit of tension with our ED My cold is appalling, sneezing fits of 8 or 10 at a time! Lovely day here today, but not improved by Dennis having an 'accident' in the kitchen - lovely job first thing! Oh and while I'm here, I wont be around until tomorrow evening - got to be out by 5am (am going on business with IMOM for the day) Did you too have nice weekends?
  5. Been busier than Christmas! just on the phone Boogs, how are you?
  6. Good Morning - finally got here to say Hello. Sorry I haven't been around, as well as being really hectic with family home, I haven't felt too good, rotten cold
  7. I am SO behind! It's Vivienne's tomorrow (Tex Boo) and Yarden's on the 14th Also dates for Chingada (Denise) 16th Bee (Petra) 19th K-B (Karelle) 20th and Tempty (Misty) on the 21st
  8. Zoonie

    C&G Gift Registry

    Good Morning, not sure who's here yet, but Hello. Oops, sorry wrong thread
  9. Sorry I'd gone Leo - I've posted an extra egg - total of 8 around the threads, but I'm only looking for people to have found 7. Really busy this weekend, so's everyone else I guess. Going to start preparing tonight's feast
  10. Good Morning Leo - Happy Easter
  11. Oh and anyone stopping by might like to know that Socks met his new people, and it was love at first sight all round apparently. They've equipped their home for his comfort and pleasure and already registered him with a vet
  12. -----Competition has run for a week now, all eggs have been posted. Please get your answers in over the weekend and mark them Egg Hunt----- Thanks
  13. And from me - Happy Easter weekend
  14. You'd better clear the bed Bee or you'll be sleeping on the floor! I'm out for tonight, have a stinking cold can't stop sneezing, but ED is here and the weekend is ON! PS had my first hot cross bun this afternoon
  15. Sorry Boogs - our kitchen is a major operation (still not done)
  16. I have to make a start on this kitchen as it's getting toward lunchtime, I'll leave the page open though and keep an eye open (especially for Bee's flying fashion lol)
  17. Meant to say no, you should never comment to a stranger at all, and how very rude he was, not worth even thinking about if he hasn't learned any better manners than that!
  18. ^he arm sweep might work, but could prove very expensive! I've heard people say that before and that's what they reckon is addictive for them. I think you had us going there a minute! I never heard that before!
  19. Zoonie

    C&G Gift Registry

    Contents of Gift Registry - plus some extra surprise eggs not shows Egg posted for Friday
  20. 's ok Kijo, I did reply. It's each to their own. If we didn't have our own opinions we'd all be clones, so where would be the fun in that? For me, personally, I find the whole piercing and tattooing thing quite sinister looking, and as I don't keep my hair, makeup and clothes the same year in and year out, find it a bit strange how people go for such permanent decoration, I like change...which is no bad thing when I look back at some of our old pictures and cringe
  21. Haven't seen Tanya here at all this week, sorry. Will try and look a little later, I have to go and attack the kitchen (you know those times when you feel like sweeping your arm across the whole table to clear it!) Oh any time, not quite sure what chance I'll get with it being holiday weekend, you know me, not a clock watcher Always do honey, every day.
  22. Frannie, you should stop chatting about it and go look for it instead (((KIJO))) Hah Bee, I reckon I was definitely adopted (live in hope)
  23. It'll be there somewhere Frannie. Oh and did you find that missing egg you were hunting for? I did give a clue. Thanks Bee for Hideeni, still searching for another blue clover one and a mosaic one too.
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