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About FlyingStar

  • Birthday 12/03/1986
  2. Name: Kyuto Fave colors: Pink, Green, Royal blue
  3. A huge THANK YOU to everyone who gave me gifts on random gift day! I can't express how happy I am! Truly, thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!! Keep spreading the cheer and love~! I love PSFC!! *u*
  4. The 2010 Valentine purse and Ballerina painting... *sigh*
  5. Oh sorry, didn't know pictures of hacked items are not allowed *takes down notes* @saifo, yeah that's terrible! But at least Playfish is doing even a bit of something about it by banning them asap.
  6. Well, a bit of good news~ My "friend" just got banned from PS today, (you'll know your banned cos when you try to log in, it's only blank). Maybe you guys know her? Her pet's name is Shady's shop ( shady indeed.) I added her cos the items she was selling were very nice but I was wondering why the colored wigs looked somewhat abnormal. Here's a pic: But I never bought anything of course. Her FB account seems to be full of hackers, asking her how she did it. DX What's important is that she's banned and decided to give up PS.
  7. All these festive items is great timing for my pet's 1st Birthday! weeeee! ^_^
  8. Already sent Tree Glass Stained Panel to Falcor Thank you so much for helping us out!
  9. Yes and Thank you for refereeing for us Falcor! Me and Delilahluz agreed on 17 x 4999s (and hopefully a spare Shoji door [optional] hehe) for my Tree Stained Glass Panel I guess now we shall wait for Delilah's confirmation?
  10. If you need a trade referee, i would be happy to help you Thank you so much for the help, but it seems that Kieguluv trusted me enough in sending her wig LOL! Can you please tell me how to add reputation for someone? Hehe this is my first ever trade XD
  11. please message me if you are still interested in buying hun, cos it's really getting late here already... nighty night~
  12. I have one and I don't use it at all... so, I'm selling mine! hehehe ...is 20x4999 okay with you? Thanks for the tip Foxpoly!
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