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Everything posted by BooBear

  1. Sorry hon - didn't realise you were on meds. Take good care then and make sure you eat properly when you can. Craving KFC I can understand!
  2. BooBear

    Hidenii Costumes

    Kijo! I am going to take some photos of BooBear and tag you if that is OK? Can I be cheeky and ask for one in the tiger outfit and one the Valentines one? I'll leave to you to decide what colour Valentines one will suit her best. Thanks in advance hon.
  3. Kijo! I would love a Hideeni outfit please! Will pop over there and see what I need to do. Of couse I wouldn't tell you not to eat! Can you have some candy or something to keep you going?
  4. Glad we can make you laugh kijo! Make sure you eat hon, don't want to make yourself ill.
  5. Boogs, she just can't believe her luck. She was jsut saying to me earlier: "I could really do with a new brush you know, that sapphire one is really tatty. I'd like a lovely new rainbow one please." And lo and behold what do the lovely Playfish people give her!!!
  6. A pretty spectacular all singing all dancing, once in a life time, never to be repeated special present of..... ......wait for it! (drum roll please!) .......a rainbow brush! (Oh and 300 coins!)
  7. Ahh - I see. Woo hoo! Just levelled up to 44. And I just noticed we are on page 44 too!
  8. Boogs - it was good last week - they were going for up to about 20ish week when you sold but it's gone crazy! Good suggestion hon. I don't suffer as I am on a desk top although not a massive screen - bit I don't have to scroll.
  9. I know! I have 2 and I am wondering whether I should decide to part with one! Awww hon - hope you feel lots better very soon. Take care lovely. xxxx
  10. Very true! Didn't realise that you weren't playing any more hon.
  11. Blimey kijo - you'd have made a fortune! Not sure they are going to get that - themost I've seen one go for so far is 30x4999!
  12. Waaaaaaaaaahhhhhh! I have just been nosing around a trading forum - there are people auctioning fox plushies off with an auto win of 45-50x49999!!! That's madness.
  13. Ahhh! I see - sound interesting. Can't say I have ever seen them here but I will keep an eye out for them.
  14. Heehee! OK then - we need a full review when you have tried them. Boogs - a pleasure!
  15. No problem kijo! BG - not sure I like the look of them. What on earth are they?
  16. Toulouse - sounds like you have had a pretty crumby day, here have a See above posts for how I am!
  17. Peek a boo! Ooooh! Sounds like you have been working too hard then. I am good thanks. Nothing exciting to report though.
  18. Boogs - now!!! BooBear just dropped by with some things for you.
  19. Oh blimey kijo! What have you been up to? I'm good thanks!
  20. Yeah - fun! He had a friend to play yesterday and we went to the zoo with another friend today. T working tomorrow again so on my own all day again. Think we may go to the cinema and/or swimming. See how it goes. You will see them soon! :whistle:
  21. I was buying rather than selling - just waiting on the items now. How has half term been?
  22. Jumps up and down I'm still here! How are you me twin? Just completing a trade so been missing for a few minutes.
  23. Sorry, got distracted reading the news. Well, as PS is not letting me play, I am going to call it a night and head to bed. Take care all. See you soon.
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