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Everything posted by BooBear

  1. Good thanks, but like you - tired! I stayed up too late last night and I get up early every morning so think it might be time for an early night tonight.
  2. It's really quite frustrating to try to type without them! How are you hon?
  3. Well I've re-booted and my keyboard is fixed! I can use as many of these ''''''''''''''''''''''''''' as I like now!
  4. Hi Wish! It is really wierd and really annoying me! I may re-boot and see what happens. That is always the technical advice you get anyway! Oh blimey mate - hope he makes it home in time for your trip. What a pain.
  5. Good thanks Boogs but something wierd is happening to my keyboard. Every time I press to put an apostrophe in I am geting a pop up at the bottom of the screen for Quick find(links only) and the rest of my message is going in there. Arrow keysnot working either. Also found I cannot type anything into my chest in PS to find stuff which is really frustrating! May not chat long if this continues. How are you?
  6. They want to see that the whole thing has been carried through - with a note from both parties to say that all was sent and received so I think they need to see the whole thing. :rolleyes: Will be back in a few Boogs - jsut going to eat. See you in a while
  7. Not too bad thanks - nothing exciting. How about you? I'm just a bit confused - you have to provide links for all your trades but on big trading threads it shows apage number as well - I have mine set to 50 posts per page. If the person assessing it doesn't then it won't take them to the right place will it! You should do it Boogs - you done a bit of trading recently - would be easy to find the threads.
  8. I'm here! Hello Boogs. Searching for links to recent trades - thought I might as well apply for the Safe Trader List.
  9. Hello! Just passing by - will pop back later to see if anyone is around. xxxxx
  10. We are definitely not helping - sorry Kijo. Not helping myself either at 12.30am and craving burgers, taco's and mashed potatoes! Sorry guys, I'm going to disappear - OH is getting up for work in about 4 hours so I'm not going to be getting much sleep before he wakes me up banging round the bedroom! Lovely to see you all - see you soon I hope. big
  11. Hey Tanya! just googled Arbys! Hmmmmmmm!!!! Off to look at Sonic and Taco Bell now!
  12. Never heard of Arbys or Sonic Kijo. Thank goodness for Google!
  13. With you there Boogs - although I think Burger King make the best fries out of the 3 of them!
  14. Sorry Kijo! No more talk of KFC and turn your back on the shop too!
  15. KFC ran out of chicken!!! How useless would you have to be to run a KFC and allow them to run out of chicken!
  16. Great minds think alike Boogs! Our nearest one is too far away if you see what I mean! Kijo, they are pretty awesome! You can get a Zinger one too which is spicy chicken.
  17. Looks like this! http://www.kfc.co.uk/our-menu/burgers-and-box-meals/fillet-tower-burger/ Chicken breast piece, hash brown, cheese, mayo and lettuce! Yummy!!!
  18. Heehee! I've given up on publishing him now, although I think I missed about 2 of the rose colours.
  19. Oh Boogs we really are twins! Fillet tower burgers are my absoloute favourites!!!!
  20. Imagine how bad it is for me! I'm never getting to taste that! How long till you can run out and get one of those bad boys and enjoy it?
  21. BooBear

    Hidenii Costumes

    Thank you! 4 photo's tagged - I tried to dress her in as little as possible! 2 of them are sitting down - don't know if that's do-able, but no problem if not. Let me know if they are OK. Thanks hon. xxx
  22. Oh heavens! You can get Mac and Cheese, Green Beans and Rice as well! Man, I really do live in the wrong place!!!
  23. That sounds fantastic! Why the heck can't I get that over here!!!! Just googled it and thought I would torture us all! http://www.kfc.com/menu/bowls_potato.asp
  24. That's terrible! That's like torture!!! I am going to have to look up the mashed potato bowl - we don't get that over here!
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