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Posts posted by lee1

  1. all went well,3 injections to numb the right hand side,bottom jaw

    about 30 mins in the chair,a piece removed from my jaw bone,tooth had attached to it,3 stitches Shocked

    the problem was the wisdom tooth had came through,but grown forward into the next tooth
    wasnt bothering me but the dentist said it needed sorting,last time I listen to the dentist

    pains not to bad,as Im smacked of me t%ts on co-codamal thumbs

  2. cheers all

    @grumpyowl no worries

    @hawki the machine work on the casings cost me £140.00 thats centres cut out,ring welded in holes drilled and tapped for the outer lexon and outer ring

    The outer lexon window and outer ring,were off me mate,not free lets just say we help each other out

    Ive seen casings like these for around £250 thumbs

  3. Got them fitted today,did the oil and filter while I was at it

    ran the bike till the engine,was about 80 degrees,no leaks ect ect

    just need to give it a good run,other than that Im very Very Happy




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