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Posts posted by lee1

  1. Took the bike for a road test today,and mot passed no worries

    everything was fine good thrash,stopped a few times to check the casings all ok no probs with the lexon

    even met dino at the test centre,good to meet ya matey,if ya read this thumbs

  2. @lee wrote:
    worst bit over now mate thumbs

    reckon the worst bit is now matt,takeing painkillers like there smarties Laughing

    look like Im chewing a tennis ball Laughing

    hope the swelling has gone down by the weekend,so I can get me helmet on thumbs

    hope you're joking Lee-if you get cold/draught around a traumatised socket you will know pain Smile

    dont reckon I will be on the bike matey,I know the its going to be painfull for a couple of weeks yet,just have to sit on me bike in back garden Laughing
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