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Posts posted by lee1

  1. @Davehutch wrote:
    lol!lol! you all make me laugh Laughing ,this forum has turned out just like i had hoped that we can all take the piss and laugh about it thumbs

    Lee finger

    its this kind of banter that makes a good forum dave,knowing how far to push the boundrys,without upsetting people

    aswell as all the info we share,and all haveing a good time,keep up the good work
    if stu bans me

    I will have a word with matt smacklol!

  2. @Grumpyowl wrote:
    I think this is all a big game we have to play. study

    Just done a few quotes online and Hastings have come out the cheapest @ £206 FC for my Busa the next best was MCE @ £252 FC.

    With Adrian Flux at moment and they Indicated when I changed my bike last month It would be about the £285 ish.

    So looks like Hastings this Year and swap again next year. no1
    your right jim,but when does it end if it ever will end

    they shouldnt be allowed to do it

  3. just received my renewal from hastings,they gave me the best quote last year

    renewal for a 600 bandit,5years no claims 3pft no points ect ect


    just been online,for new quote fully comp
    look at the prices and look at hastings

    think someone is trying to have my pants off

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