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Everything posted by trebor4460

  1. well done to the dude, not many would have done that to save a calf.
  2. Was nice to get out tday and meet up with u Dave and Dan, Nice 100 miler, bit cold this morn over Buxton but the scenery with the low mist was great.
  3. Make sure he lets youn have a go Hell yeh, I got my red lining head on....
  4. cool hand luke Paul Newman, cool as penguin piss
  5. If its dry I will try and meet u guys there about 10 for a cuppa, be nice to see the new bike Dave.
  6. Chain adjustment right? Crucial for a nice smooth gearchange.
  7. I give u a gud tip mark, u can train till the cows come home but if u ain't got your food intake right u never gonna get the results u desire. U gotta get a gramm of protien for every pound of body weight u weigh every day, and believe u me it's hard... The sh food they sell nowdays, thank god for Whey Protien
  8. Don't worry stan Christmas soon. Only kidding well done mate.
  9. Careful when u put the rocker cover back on when u finished the valve clearences.... The rocker cover knocks off the spark plug hole seal, and then when u start her oil absolutly pisses out...
  10. Lookin forward to seein when fished.
  11. Agree with Stue, they will go well over but can break down if thrashed, I also change every year.
  12. In fact I wouldn't mind a bit of a blast on it myself....
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