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Everything posted by RichardH

  1. Nice one mate, you do have a good eye for a photo
  2. dont forget we will need toilets etc not just a field of cow pats
  3. Legal would be good Chad Do you want me to swing round and pick ya mom up on the way
  4. Just like to get in first and wish all on the forum a HAPPY EASTER
  5. Well that pigeon you send the badges on finally got here, Pretty good
  6. you I was only joking If you get any abuse off the wife Lee, give her Daves phone number
  7. wanted to look at a Stelvio? I change my mind more than my socks Lee, most prob end up with a 1000 V strom
  8. the one at Oxendon has gone bust (suprise suprise) the one at silverstone only had a handful of bikes there and not the one I wanted to see, very nice woman there though.
  9. and i thought all the nutters were on here
  10. ever wondered why there aren't many Moto Guzzies about? Well it's coz the dealers are rarer than rocking horse poo and those that are about have sod all bikes in them to look at!!!!!!!!!! Rant over
  11. RichardH


    wow, that was quick welcome
  12. we just need to collect our pressie off dave now That's OK mate, I heard what Chad got
  13. Didn't even notice that i had gone past the 2000 Well done Lee
  14. I thought you were still wearing your old stuff Dave
  15. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=f94_1322957815
  16. It's a bit over the top but just goes to show that the police ( in some cases) think they can just do what they like,
  17. When I went to PX my car that I had paid £6000 for 2 years earlier, he offered me £2000 (same garage) I told him to fook off as he was taking the P, he said there was no value in second hand cars but wanted £7500 for the second hand car he was selling, needless to say i didn't buy it.
  18. Some of us have to do the dreaded night shifts Dude Where were you at 06:00
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