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Everything posted by RichardH

  1. Good lad don't need it myself but top man for giving it away
  2. I used to be a drinker many,many moons ago, I'm sure if I never met the wife and had my kids I would have been dead in a gutter years ago,I actually stopped drinking the very day day my first kid came along so quite happy to take it easier nowadays, Mainly drink beer but happy to have lager also. Had many a mad,(dont know whats happening) night on Pernod but I'm banned from drinking it
  3. Just got up from nights to find my calendar sat there, brilliant job Chad well done mate, it could do with a few more Bandits in it though Great idea having a group photo on the front page
  4. well if you dont hurry up i will want a refund for january so do the right thing and post MINE first
  5. I'm pretty sure she means a doobry firkin
  6. I ordered my blinking calender also, where the is it Chad,
  7. Dont know owt about them Gaz, are they rare or is the price unrealistic? or both?
  8. I have a mate who is after a cheap (less than £100) XS650 engine and gearbox, dont matter if its knackered as he will rebuild it. could also consider a frame also.
  9. Hey Dude, welcome dont be shy dish the dirt on Chad!
  10. well are we talking best bike or best picture and does it have to be a bike you own??
  11. come on the chatbox again Janie, i'll talk you through it
  12. well done mate, dont put yourself out of pocket, pm me if its more than I paid
  13. thats okay cheers mate and rich, even better, sent me somepics of ya daughters?? Why you little..................... Dont put youself down mate, you put youself out there and did suumut for all of us
  14. well if you are short of photos Chad just stick a few of ya mom in there
  15. and the printing quality is good the problem with Kodak is the colours are all in 1, so if you run out of yellow but the others are still half full, you have to chuck good ink away in order to fill the yellow up.
  16. The ink pots are not full with new printers, also you need to get one with seperate catridges.
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