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Everything posted by RichardH

  1. I aagree but maybe just training not £1000 to sort all my trailer licences out whick I could fail £1000
  2. I actually agree with this, seems utter madness to me that back in my day you could pass your driving test on Monday morning, then set off down the street later that day with a 20 foot caravan on tow
  3. I'm not actually against it, just think it's pointless, if it stays, it stays, makes no odds to me
  4. he lives near leicester mate, you just use them in the street round there
  5. Must admit I'm quite happy to just tell peeps they are an arse if thats what i think, so be careful chad lmao
  6. still confused here, can it be a pic of ANY bike?
  7. I leave silver wellies in the porch at halloween to keep the little chavs away
  8. just been watching the new planet of the apes, maybe they end up with cats that bark and dogs that meow.
  9. I would have to join you in the sin bin Dave as this is mine
  10. Oh I remember those days well, it's great being a biker some days eh, on the plus side a car is a darn site heavier to push
  11. just ssen this, its on another forum I use , dont get it myself but hey ho
  13. RichardH

    HI :}

    Hi , we need more bandit owners
  14. well Stu as you are now the official agony aunt, I have a mate (lets call him Dave) and I'm sure he's seeing another mates mom,thing is I also think he's seeing my other mate ( lets call him day101) as they get very cosy while camping can you help??
  15. RichardH


    Hi mate that bike looks bootiful welcome
  16. Yes, get my arse out and do some serious miles.( love u mods really lol)
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