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Everything posted by RichardH

  1. only bike related, not actually on a bike
  2. wow i thought it would be got straight away, no Dick
  3. also known as a water buffalo in the usa, aint google great
  4. the other question to that would be why?
  5. have I won yet, got another pic ready
  6. RichardH


    Okay Dick. Cos its funny will it re appear? this threads funnier chad there were better jokes in my xmas cracker
  7. RichardH


    Chad, let it go mate, you're like a pitbull with a blikin bone
  8. RichardH


    maybe it self deleted coz it was such an old and rubbish joke
  9. RichardH

    woman scream

    That's your age and lack of experience showing Chad, you're supposed to make them scream DURING sex
  10. cracking bike Chad and owner seems genuine, what more do you want?
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