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Everything posted by RichardH

  1. wow, love the 2 colours together
  2. nice one, now I'm just going to sit in dark room for a while
  3. RichardH


    I rang my local model shop and asked if they had a model of a cruise ship, yes the owner said, Great can to stick it to one side for me
  4. so what's it all about Dave, charity event or just for the shear hell of it?
  5. get the link up chad so we can have a look
  6. well done Luke , now get that stingy boss of yours to give you a pay rise
  7. RichardH


    no one here would frown if you had no bike, all you need is an interest welcome
  8. Top Man , the world needs more people like you matey
  9. Chad if you have written to them, they are probably still trying to work out what the it says
  10. funny you should post that dick, as I had convinced myself that it was the bike for me until I read a few bad write ups bout servicing, but i do still keep looking at them, lovely bikes
  11. one mans doobry is another mans whatsit
  12. that's exactly what the wife said Stu lmao ( the bike not me )or was it
  13. hang on I'll just break into Fort Knox
  14. pretty good write up, the other Guzzi I really like is the Norge but the prob with Guzzies is they are a bit qwerky so parts and servicing might be a problem
  15. just found this, quite fancy one but know nowt about them, what do you reckon. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=220910779221&fromMakeTrack=true&ssPageName=VIP:watchlink:top:en
  16. I was thinking that, not exactly top hourly rates
  17. best order yourself a new cast then mate ready for you falling over
  18. is your missus baking cakes and posting them, if so can i have 4
  19. Good on ya Mick Stue thats wot its all about would do it for anyone on ere we are a big happy family thats why I'm ere and nowhere else.
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