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Everything posted by RichardH

  1. How long have you known my wife?
  2. well chaps no excuses, lets have em on all our bikes
  3. thats why i have slowed down chad, not having one of them rammed up my bottom just for posting 20000+
  4. Thanks again folks, well now I join Gaz in the over 50s section
  5. Ps, its my birthday on the 20th Very Happy are you touting for prezzies??????????????????????///
  6. hope you glued sand paper to it
  7. Thanks chaps , 50 , can't believe I made it this far!
  8. Don't you just hate name droppers
  9. http://www.jsaccessories.co.uk/shop/boots/touring/h20316-aqua-boot-black.html these are mine, paid £100
  10. mine are almost the same, Ok for the money
  11. who's damp patches, yours or the roads
  12. you need to get out more rich! ot the week off so intend getting out a few times, might even see if i can get some test rides in
  13. chicken strips on mine cover the entire back tyre
  14. I know you live up north but the ladies don't look up to much
  15. he never answewred my flippin letter
  16. nice one chad get stuck into the new Mod
  17. didnt get very far but I did win the beak dancing trophy
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