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Everything posted by streetfighter

  1. Done this speed test on my mobile this was the results Test Date: Jan 16, 2012 9:33:41 am Connection Type: Hspa Server: London Download: 1144 kbps Upload: 418 kbps Ping: 95 ms Gonna now do it from my mobile but through the wireless connection and lets see what the difference is Test Date: Jan 16, 2012 9:45:41 am Connection Type: Wifi Server: London Download: 17681 kbps Upload: 1959 kbps Ping: 27 ms Here you go what do you think f499y any good
  2. streetfighter


    what so funny Im a pikey It makes me think about my fat gypsy wedding and thats funny
  3. This was happerning with me a couple of weeks ago on the virgin, i have wireless and a copper network installed, when anyone was on the wireless with iphone or laptop it kept on dropping out, when on the copper it was slow as f***k, i have the xl broardband with virgin it lasted about 4 days then all of a sudden it was back to normal.
  4. Looking good chad, As Stue said when the Hornet coming
  5. Im sorry to say this Chad, but he will end up killing someone, or killing himself Usually some innocent person going about their business. Remember when I was young a prat at college got a 500cc Suzuki. He howled through town, lost control and killed a woman walking on the pavement. tottally agree guys we have said will be his licence or his life. was close to life, very close. what will it be this time But what i was trying to say was not every youngster is like this, There are youngsters and ADULTS like it, i'm not trying to single anyone out here, all i'm saying it annoys me that no matter how old you get there is always someone telling you what to do.
  6. Why do they have to make it hard for new bikers, don't they realise some guys/girls don't want to drive cars and only like bikes, it p*ss*s me off when the hireachey (spelling sorry) dictacs what we have to do, I know some youngsters can be silly at times but we all have been there, its a shame things like this happen
  7. I buy these from Wilko's saves me getting my hands greasy get them by the bucket full Get a handful of gloves from the petrol station they use for the diesel u don't get greasy hands then or Dave get the Mrs to do it and you still dont get greasy hands it's a win win situation so thats why theres never any there when i go to fill me car up I don't go all the way to Sheffield to get me gloves,But i have been told they take them to keep there hands warm in the winter up there
  8. streetfighter


    i'm a pikey Not really
  9. I buy these from Wilko's saves me getting my hands greasy get them by the bucket full Get a handful of gloves from the petrol station they use for the diesel u don't get greasy hands then or Dave get the Mrs to do it and you still dont get greasy hands it's a win win situation
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