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Everything posted by XS1100

  1. Here we go before XS1100 Gets band big time whats yer best and worst valantine tunes. my worst ever love songs album is foreigner love songs god its bad if you feeling down dont play this best cus I carnt think straight is dr and the medics no one loves you when you wear brown shoes .
  2. BREAKING NEWS IN EGYPT...... نور اگر رفت سایه پیدا نیست نور اگر رفت سایه پیدا نیست پیدا نیست نور اگر رفت سایه پیدا نیست نور اگر رفت سایه پیدا نیست پیدا نیست نور اگر رفت سایه پیدا نیست نور اگر رفت سایه پیدا نیست پیدا نیست نور اگر رفت سایه پیدا نیست نور اگر رفت سایه پیدا نیست پیدا نیست As soon as I get more info, I will keep you updated
  3. itch, them little V50s where a good little bike low seat height good for the girlies, I only recall one fault drive shafts oil seal weeped a drop. There like Hens teeth now very few about. unless you want a project for the summer http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/MOTO-GUZZI-V50-1981-spares-repairs-/200573644018?pt=UK_Motorcycles&hash=item2eb31eecf2
  4. Telford classic off road show http://www.flickr.com/photos/bsanorthstaffs/sets/72157625906538041/show/
  5. Firehawk good job surfing bird was in stanley kubrick full metal jacket been looking for that track for yonks dooooooooood
  6. Hang on in there Dick but keep yer head low :)I know the score
  7. sumat to do with health n safty Long legged and easy to live with mmmmmmmm
  8. Pile of shyt died on me what the hell !!!!!
  9. Pictures of the Big Knock rally last year. http://www.dieselbike.net/BritishRally10/Britishrally10.htm
  10. Ho and Saturday morning consists of a right bad head
  11. http://www.shipsnostalgia.com/guides/William_Doxford_and_Sons#The_Manufacturing_Process We had every thing in the united kingdom look at these guys proper full on skilled guys, then the shit hit the fan and we are screwed. now we have sod all
  12. a case of nuky brown and the dvd of the Macc lads wot more yer need, untill the mrs comes in an moans its crap wreckens its sexist dunno about that.
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