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Everything posted by XS1100

  1. Right wish me luck I have 2quid on ogee channel4 2.25 sat I could be a multy millionair this time tomoz or drowning me sorrows place yer bets the Dr of madness will be dancing or crying lol
  2. I could fill a plane hanger with stuff I wished I never sold.
  3. Great days they where when a rally was a farmers field and a pub over the road,bloody great,,,,,,,,,
  4. Great pic bonzo! Dave you still got it?
  5. I went to the Rush Gig at Leicester de montfort hall it was like playing there 2112 album to good I thought for a gig,Got a load of tapes in the van if you wan um
  6. cut off denem jacket over the top of yer leather and two pairs of well ripped jeans called um ridgeds. I like the simo nice
  7. Its no wonder I am need Vidal Sasoon wash in wash out me Daughter Alice a few year ago, I have my work cut out here I can tell yer.Its a wonder I have any hair left
  8. I fitted a set from m n p, to the XS made hell of a good difference along with Koni dial a rides and some posh duel compond tires......
  9. Who had one and what did yer have I will start Honda SS50 4speed fitted with 70cc top end to keep up with the Fantic cabs like this one These Fantic cabs where fast in there day never lasted to long as the engine would explode sounded like a wounded Bee blaging along. Then there was the Malaguti almost as quick but also proned to a quick seize motor.
  10. I think your right Lee. my be I should leave the magic mushrooms aloan
  11. Never been in a bookies in my life mrs xs did work in one a million years ago in Hartlepool. I was thinking I might give it a go, dodgy though init? I might have to dig me sheepskin out and me trilby hat
  12. Any one here bet on the Gee Gees,
  13. Hello mrsstu you made me think then had to engauge brain my cassett in the car at the time I met mrs xs was playing this. thing is it still is playing the very same a million years on!
  14. Thats well sick! full on beast nice one
  15. http://www.stream.cz/video/444853-yamaha-xs-1100-cruising
  16. Because Italian police have fast motor cars.fast as a full on beast!
  17. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=290530889581 Judas priest!!!!!!!30 grand yer having laugh
  18. This is do able but at £1700!!!!!!! take some polishing low miles though http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=180620212711#ht_1064wt_1141
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