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Everything posted by Stue11

  1. lovely bike stue,im saying nowt
  2. This is my favourite visit of the TT Guy Martin Legend of a bloke
  3. Thats it we wont here the last of it now Dick.... only jelous
  4. bloody hell, thanks for letting us know Mick Thats a shame.
  5. I would have Noz but i made him admin a couple of weeks ago as i took a step back...im gonna see him 2mw face to face, he wouldnt answer is phone tonight so i txt him, he havent txt back so i will be knocking on his door 2mw....just to let him know what i think of him xas i said m8 tell him and walk away,easier said than done though its not worth slapping him.I know mate he aint worth it, he nows hes cheesed me off cause he wont answer is phone
  6. I wouldnt do that Stan hes got young ens running around, ile just tell him to his face and if he dares to do anything then ile bide me time
  7. I would have Noz but i made him admin a couple of weeks ago as i took a step back...im gonna see him 2mw face to face, he wouldnt answer is phone tonight so i txt him, he havent txt back so i will be knocking on his door 2mw....just to let him know what i think of him x
  8. I know mate we made up and i said i would carry on bloody head lol just given up trying to help him it would be like you asking me to look after this forum for 18mth and then you come back and basiclly tell me to leave it alone..... weird aint the word there was something I was going to say Stue
  9. It's in mate I was joking saying you can sort the calendar Sorry bro i read it wrong
  10. I know mate we made up and i said i would carry on bloody head lol just given up trying to help him it would be like you asking me to look after this forum for 18mth and then you come back and basiclly tell me to leave it alone..... weird aint the word
  11. Right were do i start, basicly i stumbled upon a bike cafe some two year ago local to me, having met the guy and owner of this place i suggested i could set up a Facebook page for him, great he said...so i went out of me way to set the page up and take pics etc etc, any way some visits later he said kids and such were welcome, you just didnt have to be a biker to visit...then on our next visit we were told they wernt welcome as kids just make a lot of noise...so because of that i simply didnt go there again he was a little hard to read...so me being me carried on running the page for is business, 18months later he pays me a visit at work to ask if im still ok to run the page, me in turn told him yea for sure and then me being me told him why i hadnt visited is establishment in all that time, im honest like that. He took the news well and said sorry for what he had said and that he didnt mean it, he then asked me again if i could carry on running his page, i said yea no problem, so since his visit 3weeks ago ive been adding folk who requested to join as i could see he wasnt...then tonight to top it all off i get an email asking me to basicly leave is page alone and he will take over... Now ile be honest on this one too, it takes a lot to get me rubbed the wrong way and tonight he has, so ive sent him an even nicer email tonight telling him exactly what i thought of is ignorance and ungratefulness, i only emailed as he wouldnt answer is phone..but when i do see him face to face i will tell him proper....rant over guys and gals,
  12. Just thought I had better take a look at my guns and give them a clean as I have not had them out the gun Cabernet for 2 years nice guns dave
  13. I like the look of that Steve
  14. I am the Rizla king.....he just as the god of naked bikes....called the Rizla king
  15. Thats a shame m8 I know mate, Day101 is in love now, hence why he hasnt been on here much lol, he said he hasnt left....he was originally going to drive on saturday..as i fancied a couple of jars, not to worry though there will be other meets mate
  16. I think we all knew that was coming suzuki will be back and hopefully challenging for wins and podiums once again.....i guessed it would happen also, as they wernt even developing an 1000cc engine for 2012 watch this space Rizla will be back
  17. I cant make it sorry....im left alone at home with the animals and i have no wheels, have a great time everyone and ile look forward to meeting up again soon
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