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Everything posted by Stue11

  1. We are picking it up on the 7th may and hes excited http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=200600457511&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT
  2. Thats the way not sure about is clotheing though
  3. Cheers Luke for me bday present... a new tent for the annual rideout in july
  4. lol glad you can make it AndyExcellent news more the merrier i think we are all going to have to wear name badges Was thinking the same thing. Looks like another order of Bandit Forum clothes is on the cards so dare I say this could be one solution to the problem I think so it will have to be usernames only Hutchs motorbike forum.. Stuell
  5. lol glad you can make it AndyExcellent news more the merrier i think we are all going to have to wear name badges
  6. Sorry mate but it works fine this end did you log in
  7. Stunning mate she looks even better in the flesh
  8. Stue11


    Hello and welcome onboard mate
  9. now you tell me mind you you didn't have a bike when i went Very true Dave And me its only an hour away up the beautiful A49
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