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Everything posted by Stue11

  1. As a lover of animals, thought id post this
  2. cracking sleevs Stu, nice 1 m8. Thanks Rob went threw enough pain for them
  3. Great vids mate keep em coming
  4. Stue11


    Welcome to the forum mate stunning bikes another black country guy
  5. I`ll send the missing link on FB xOk thanks. mystery cleared up xYes, thanks x
  6. Cheers mate xYea me too I`ll send the missing link on FB xOk thanks.
  7. Okay the eyes have gone time to go home
  8. Heres a few pics from that night, me and wifey I also eat fast A few later
  9. I mean be serious, atleast drag it out from the edge, have a look at there other items
  10. My wife is looking to purhase a new cart for our pony to pull and we came accross this, i mean does he actually want to sell it, he must have looked at it in the edge and thought it that al do http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=320628407488&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT
  11. Awesome pic, i remember me dad saying that when he left yamaha he wouldnt win another title how wrong was he first rider to win back to back titles with two different manufactures
  12. Yea allthough we didnt have much in leominster still s you off the amount we had
  13. Didn't need to be, if you remember the race they were both lapped so I could have easily beaten them with the van on the back as well Yea your right wrong tyre choice they went for wets dovi won that one
  14. I totally agree with ya Rose theres bound to be a couple of nice days in between, im off work this week last minute xmas shopping for me, i try not to leave it to late
  15. No your ridings good Tim its just the idiots rushing about you have to look out for :lol:yea and your right let it be a message to all bikers out and about this time of year im of work this week to get some xmas shopping done and ile be using the wifes cage and yea as for the front brakes me mate luke does all me maintenence hes a good lad and cracking mate, i do most things on the bike meself but i dont touch the brakes as for tyres i run pirelli diablos cracking tyres, dont tell me employers i work for ats who are owned by Michelin
  16. Its the weather mate, im the same come winter you wear more layers and you dont burn the calories of so easy i have to be careful what i eat ive lost 4 stone in the last 3years and want to keep it off im only 14,11 at the mo and im happy with that especially going to the gym to tidy the edges you wouldnt want to know what me daily diet was
  17. Go careful Tim ive watched ya vids on the way to the gym cages are out there rushing around to empty the shops of there stock... My front brakes have seazed on i will get them sorted for xmas day ride out, theres no bugga about in the day time and sometimes like to go for a blip
  18. just stay drunk and sober up over a couple of weeks works for me
  19. Good luck they are playing well at the mo
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