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Everything posted by dick65

  1. nice one stu no wonder its a bit tight you reckon i could be a model?
  2. shame about the seat mark and gaz will know what the lugs are for
  3. nice one goes back to the big old war harps they placed on hills to scare the crap out of the enemy
  4. got mine this morning too,good work dave well chuffed
  5. cheers dave well chuffed,thats my 4 year old son archie being daf
  6. gaz your welcome to it its got no documents and i reckon its seized but im no mechanic sorry for nicking your thread steph
  7. youll have your work cut out im restoring a honda nc50 but thats ground to a halt as it wont start
  8. nice steady progress gaz, you reckon the gold then?
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