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Posts posted by day101

  1. Sunday me stue11 and pike, were on the road to new town i shot off lol. but come round a corner only to find a car on my side of the road heading right for me and to make it worse i could see he only just pulled out! honestly thought my number was up but it wasnt and touch wood im still here! some one up there is looking after me, front ent went on our ride up and didnt go sliding down the road and now this! maybe there is a god after all thumbs

  2. @airlock wrote:
    ITCHY wrote:
    I have a special device that was fitted as standard to my bike, it stops me going to fast where the cameras are, oh yeh it's called a speedometer and lets me know how fast I'm going all the time I'm on the .Of course I never go faster than that kind man in the blue uniform tells me I can go Very Happy

    well it does help but im more looking to get prior warning about the dear man hideing in the hedges, be a right shame if i stoped for a quick wee and failed to see him.... Very Happy

  3. well after a long time of messing around and getting my calipers after craven arms garage gave me a dangerous bike back, its sorted. got the calipers on (some borrowed pads as im still waiting for mine!) and after 5 hours of brake bleeding what i am sick off, took it out for a spin and finally got some good brakes! and by god its like riding a different bike! even had the shakes when getting off and the smile on my face was priceless partypartypartypartypartyparty

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