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Everything posted by Chadatious

  1. tried that and only a select amount of pics will work. very odd
  2. gumtree wont let me put my own pictured up whats a bummer
  3. forgot about mcn. its on ebay but through people i know someone might be coming later, i know em so i dont mind them going out for a test ride etc.
  4. tbh stan its the latest out stuff and its pretty good rides nice etc, but its those idiots up the garage, but looks like my steering rack is going or gone. bring on the ££££££££
  5. isnt it like £25 for an add no one looks at?
  6. No y heyare metal and I ccan't find play anywhere and every bush. Drop link and ball joint was done last November but ill jack it up and get a bar in there.
  7. ever wonder why everything goes all wrong at once. have loads done lately all after each other and still have a knock on turning slowly, slow bumps and acceleration that i can not trace. i took it to a garage to get a new drive shaft on as that has play and i was hoping that would be the noise, and they locked the van in the workshop for the night after they went home early leaving me stranded at work 30 miles away. luckily my boss lent me a works car. now ive got it back i didnt look much but my front bumper has a massive hole and the splitter is cracked all down one side, now i looked in my front arch and there is tyre marks. well i have never driven my air with the front on the floor, so all i can think of is the garage have moved it in the morning with the air dropped and done my bumper in! looks like ill find another garage to investigate the knock if i cant find it soon. rant over!
  8. where have you all found sells your bikes well ive got mine on ebay and gumtree, found the bike i want and want mind sold sooner rather than later so i dont loose it!
  9. i like them but wasn't the review a bit of a disappointment?
  10. depends on the bike i can insure some 1000s for less than the equivalent 600.
  11. if it has wheels or tits itll be expensive!
  12. poor bikes had too much abuse lol. and sod north your all odd
  13. not slipping but sticking slightly but had been sat a while
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