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Everything posted by Chadatious

  1. don't worry me and Chad will keep your bed warm im not sharing with you again this year if you insist of 5AM wakeup call! its how I wake you up that you want to worry about
  2. don't worry me and Chad will keep your bed warm im not sharing with you again this year if you insist of 5AM wakeup call!
  3. cheers mate! lets hope the weather is sunny and hot hot hot
  4. we will see. wont be the same show just the same name. tbh the old show had got crap it was ay too scripted.
  5. yes mate! cant wait. i cant see kev going though hes an idiot at putting money aside, out all the time i said all that fuel hes using and he said it already in the bike he cant grasp it costs money to put in lmao. but if i have to come along i will
  6. always sad saying good bye but onwards and upwards
  7. but are the other two going to follow clarkson, or are they going to stay with chris?
  8. had a chat today, the job is mine and im allowed the weekend off so here we go. paydays on monday and working a week in hand will make it tight but ive got savings if i need to break into them for now so i will see you all in july
  9. i got this cream off my aunt, all aloe vera, herbal stuff and was like nahh what a load of crap, and when i ddi my back in that had i cured in a week and half for the forum rideout last year!
  10. Italy for the win nice food nice cars nice bikes and sexy ladies
  11. looking at pics ive seen of it i doubt youll struggle to sell it it looks sweet
  12. right here we go lets have a look through many pics take it you have a good time then pops?
  13. dont the parents sometimes kick them out too though?
  14. poor bugger, wonder why it was out of the nest
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