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Everything posted by Chadatious

  1. Rofl it does look like its got a 10" rear wheel with a 15" front you sure matt they say you go blind if you play with it too much
  2. Okay thanx disc back brakes very good front was one to play up Tell lie 35 quid a side the pins look fine now cleaned right up
  3. it has a ODD driver though Father like son. With dad
  4. Yeah big ones official plate, same size as what bandit one was
  5. 3 hours had to wash it twice as it was grotty. chamois it, wax it, buff it, hoover, chuck rubbish, cockpit shine and used plastic restorer on outer plastic bits, well pleased. bet go to pick kai up for college tmoz and he has muddy feet or it will rain.
  6. filled this in the other week, takes the mick
  7. he wanted a brand new one, and when he went to the changed the headlights so he got the king.
  8. haha, may as well just buy a buggy haha
  9. yeah afrter pins were cleaned, the pistons moved uneven etc, and stuck alot. so pushed them out alot, good clean, and they move as they should. think it was just from sitting they were bit sticky
  10. maybe i should sell it before it get buried under dirt again lol. to be hoinest its winter i cba, problem is im down an unmade road so its a pain, but least sust just washes off
  11. dunno but its lusdh, when i win the lottery!
  12. thats the rear mate, havent seen rear yet looks really clean, think its just where it has salt up front. but once brakes are done it looks like its never seen salt. when ive been quoted £35 for pair of pins
  13. i havent washed my car since newy years eve, it had chunks of salt mud etc all stuck to it, so seeing as its biut warmer thout it deserved some tlc. also used the wax i use on the bike. all i can say is shiney!!!!!
  14. for sale, this bike is a stunning example, seen it in flesh. think hes cleaned it more than ride it, £2400 ono located in kent
  15. update, dad gave me a hand as i used heat and nout, in end cracked the pins off, they were dicusting, so i cleaned them up and where the tipes were bit squished from theying to get them out, ive re-shaped them. now a perfetc fit, and been shaped nicely got a good ridge again,. not in yet as waitinjg for new brake pads to arrive got a full set of goldfren sintherd (cant spell) for £34 posted. so ill regreals etc then. found out even thou its a clean bike that it was someones hack last winter thats why the front was bit nasty but back was very clean i think, just means a lot of cleaning. but where its been sitting since april the front brake pistons were stuck, so, cleaned up, freed them off bled brakes and they move nicely now, but i will keeop and eye as if they stick ill replace the seals. also the number plate issue, thios is the size difference but then it doent look that snmall on the bike, maybe not sit next to anyone with a full size plate
  16. ahhh shhh**t you know what i forgot, stickers lol. sorry ill get a couple posted out to ya and glad your happy i loved it, but got single lamp on sv, and probably getting faired bike next so may as wlel of used it to try and get my sv on the ropad before this winter
  17. mates selling a mk1 bandit 1200 on a w plate for £1250 no offers. is generally a clean bike, to be fair if i had it id sort couple bits out like the speedo has tape round the seal, but its just little easy fix bits. 20 odd thusand think its 22-23k, on the clock, runs nice, had custom seat, leoveince exhaust and few nice blingy bits, runs nice. will get ebay link when he re-adds it. needs it gone as needs a new family car so he may p/x
  18. with stan him and put him in you just wanted to use those faces didnt you YEP oh dear!
  19. Hello welcome where in Kent? I'm from sheppey?
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