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Everything posted by Chadatious

  1. between 60-80 i would say when ive had stanrd type forks cost me £60, and 4 sets of USD's which cost between 60 to 80. and thats if it sjust seals if bushers its even more looikng at same price per a side not pair so almost double it
  2. Policewoman: You are under arrest. Anything that you say can and will be held against you. driver: BOOBS!
  3. Wow! what a brilliant guy, bet those people will remember him forever
  4. now i get it heres one i knew lol What do you call cheese that isn't yours? Nacho cheese
  5. SH*T i didnt see the bit at the bottom sorry guys haha
  6. is it somethign to do with the title? looks like dickcheese?
  7. dont get it? ro shouldnt it ask haha
  8. id say follow the line of the bike so it would be half red and half white?
  9. ben spies is my man maybe not the best rider "yet!" he was new last year and did so well for a newbie. plus a mates a rossi fan and spies took rossi last night
  10. well done on the success, not surprised such a friendly atmosphere here.
  11. i knwo ya from the bandit forum but welcome to this one lol
  12. One there was a young lad who was tractor crazy, everything he has was tractors, his wallpaper, slippers, clothes, bed covers, and so on, he was so crazy about tractors! on his 18th he turned round to his dad and said "im sick of tractors". and his dad said "i thought id never see the day son" the lad then said "i want us to go down the pub toniight and i want to pull a bird" his dad with amasemnt said "certanly son ive been waiting for this day to come. Later that evening his dad was in the pub waiting a while, the pub was full of smoke, and his son suddenly apreared, sucked all of the smoke in, steped back outside and blew it out. a bloke said to the dad "wow that was amasing how did he do that?" and he lads dad turned round and said "hes and EX-TRACTOR FAN?"
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